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DESCRIPTION: Yoongi and Hoseok just spend some happy moments together, lost in each other's entangled thoughts and shining eyes.



WARNINGS: suicidal thoughts


Yoongi took heavy yet quick steps through the field. The grass was tall enough to reach his knees and he rose his feet high to move forward in fear of the thick grass tangling his foot down and leaving him momentarily stuck. He didn't know why he chose a pullover for a sunny summer day. The sunset was nearing and he just assumed it'd be chillier. Still, it wasn't too warm either. It was... just right. He rose his arm and stopped in his tracks, shading the sun from his eyes with his lower arm. He stared straight into the distance. Hoseok stood only a mere few feet away from him; giant grin on his face accompanied by his smiling eyes and an excited wave way above his head.

The right corner of Yoongi's mouth curled into a smile as he lowered his head and made sure to reach his friend sooner. Something inside was making him incredibly tired, but he just had to reach Hoseok. In that moment, reaching Hoseok felt like the last thing he had to do. He felt like he was going to fall dead in the middle of that field if he doesn't reach his friend.

With his eyes still focused on the grassy ground, Yoongi felt a slim hand appearing on the small of his back, levitating there. It made Yoongi blush. Once he could regain the control of the blood in his cheeks, he rose his head. Squinting his small eyes, he managed to pick out Hoseok's familiar facial features. His soft dark hair lightly moved with the summer zephyr. His heart-shaped smile was more blinding than the sun behind him. For a few moments, Yoongi felt like they were frozen in a moment where he could stare at Hoseok's happy face forever.

The moment unfroze when Hoseok laughed, rising his hand and placing it onto Yoongi's shoulder "What are you staring at? Let's keep walking"

Yoongi gave quick and agreeing nods, turning his smiling face to the ground once again and taking big steps forward. Hoseok's hand was still on the small of his back. It made him feel safe; he felt like he could cause a surprise trust fall and he'd stay in Hoseok's arms.

With the corner of his eye, he could see Hoseok's head turning to see every edge of the field. Yoongi wasn't into that. He was more used to watching his steps and making sure he knows where his legs are leading him. He didn't want to see the future or what he was going to reach. He always just silently hoped and let God take the wheel. This kind of a lifestyle brought him to many beautiful things and he wasn't ever going to abandon it. Hoseok, on the other hand, was the curious type. He always seemed to get away with everything. He could walk and never check his step, but he'd manage to avoid every pothole. Hoseok always wanted to see more, to know more. Everything seemed interesting to him. Because his legs always knew what his mind wanted. Wether it was his dancing or a simple stroll down the street, Hoseok made no mistakes in his paths. He'd get lost, he'd stumble — but he was always back on his feet in no-time.

Suddenly, Hoseok crouched. Yoongi turned his eyes toward him and stopped walking. Hoseok picked up a small dog.

"Mickey!" Hoseok ruffled the fur on the dog's head and spoke in a high, excited voice. Yoongi's lips curled into a smile and he rose his long fingers to pet the familiar dog behind its ear.

"I haven't seen you in a long time" Yoongi whispered to the dog before returning to his regular tone and questioning Hoseok "How did he appear here? I didn't even notice him"

Hoseok shrugged, softly petting the animal in his arms "You must've not seen him because of the grass"

Yoongi nodded; it made sense.

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