Author's Note

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Hello, everybody!! My name's Aria! The story you're about to read is obviously called Astronomical. It's my first novel I've ever written, and I'm really excited that it's finally getting out into the public!
I'm not a huge, insanely talented writer or anything, but I try :)

Okay, so, quickly let's get down to business.

Hate comments will be deleted. I don't care if this isn't as good as other WattPad books you've read. I'm not striving to be the absolute best. I'm striving to simply try my best.

However, there I believe there is a difference between constructive criticism and hate. Constructive criticism comments will not be removed-in fact, I will do anything that I can to make sure that I read every single one of the constructive-criticism comments. I may not strive to be the absolute best author ever, but of course I strive to get better like any good author should.

So in summary, if you have an opinion please: Share if you think it will be helpful to read, and keep it to yourself if you think that it'll be hurtful.

Now: I love to know some facts about my authors before I start their stories, so here we go-ten random facts about me!

1. I'm in love- Just_Another_AwkBean 

2. I am a part of a family of six-four kids and two dads.

3. One time when I was younger, I decided that shoving a bracelet down my mouth was a good idea-so I did so, and about ten seconds later we were driving to the hospital because I was choking.

4. My least favorite holiday is Valentine's Day, because every time I've had a significant other, they've broken up with me on Valentine's Day.

5. I am demisexual, meaning that I only feel sexual attraction toward somebody after I've formed a strong emotional bond.

6. I'm going into my junior year of high school. So is Skylar. ( Just_Another_AwkBean )

7. I'm deathly afraid of clowns. They scare the shit outta me.

8. I play volleyball, and am the shortest on the team bc I'm only 5' 4".

9. As of right now, I've never been out of the country. (USA)

10. When I grow up, I want to be a photographer for National Geographic.


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