The Before

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I can't remember a time before This. The Greys occasionally share memories with those of too young to remember The Before. Images would flash before our youthful, then adolescent minds; colors and shapes, words, sounds, feelings we couldn't even name because the thought itself was so foreign. All this ingrained into our minds, with a word that seemed abstract on the best of days, if not entirely fictional on others: Hope.
The way The Greys tell it, the decay didn't happen in the span of a single moon. There had always been signs, whispers form the universe, warnings splattersd across every single person of the Collective Consciousness ... nobody tuned in.
Ever since I was young, the smell of sulfur mixed with urine, body odor, decay, waste.. all of it took up permanent residence in my nostrils. On the rare occasion, if I tilt my nose at just the right angle, an irony mustiness will cross my nose hairs. The odor brings back memories, the same memories I force myself to forget... We dont bleed. We control it, much like our facial expressions, useless emotions, and adverse thoughts. Nobody knows why, but the survival instinct remains very much intact, despite everything around us..
Nomads, Tribes, Cults, Troops.. each fraction of Us goes by a different moniker. I run with my Tribe; we are known as Savages, brutal, the best when it comes to stealing our hearts. You fucking have to be. The Others search our different locations, pull out different groupings and drop them into areas unknown.. Us, having won every single alliance faced, have the advantage of always having home field. The Others deliver our Enemies straight to us, and we do what it seems we were born to do... fight to the death.
Him and I bonded over our unusual gifting from the moment we met. Our shared gift was still weak, seeing as we were children, but The Greys saw in us the abilities we were to hone in order to become the Feared Heathens we were.
In the Here and Now, theres no devices, no data, no Wifi and technology, none of the terms for what consumed Earlier Beings. All that We have is Our minds. The Collectice Conscious is the frequency all Beinsg can tap into. Those who shared many lives with you can communicate on a unique frequency, known only by those made of the same star matter. Along with the knowledge and rapping into of these frequ6came The Gifts. They are numerous, powerful, and unique.. Him and I are manifestors. We can will atoms to form barriers when need be. Our Tribe includes Mediators, Soothsayers, The Greys (Their Knowledge is an additive and ability in and of itself), Manipulators, and a Feelgood. Mediators tap into an unending well energy, using Their bodies as mediums to then allow The Energy to hide our exact location while resting. Mediators take turns reaching across planes and harnessing the camoflauging ability of this Energy.
Soothsayers bring very little soothing, between You and Me. They tap into the very fabric of time and space, recalling past trajections and using that to determine current trajectory anyone of us is on. There are numerous, uncountable outcomes at any given time, so the art is not exact but it gives us a good idea as to how to defeat Our Enemies.
The Greys pass down Their Memories, and those elusive emotions and sensations We are no longer privy to. Manipulators can tap into the The Nearest Group Conscious, manipulating brian waves and thought patterns, imitating speech and confusing The Enemy from inside their own mind.. I envied those with this gift, tho the more I learn of Ours, the more pleased I am with.. Us. Finally, our Feelgoods have very little to offer and yet, it's the most necessary: reprieve. Feelgoods have the innate ability to find substances and chemicals, scouring the grounds of Our Land and those surrounding us to put together concoctions that allow us to escape, no matter how temporary that escape may be..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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