New York, New York

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When I got upstairs to my room, Perri was already sitting on my bed waiting for me.

    "How'd it go? Did he give us permission?"

She stares into my eyes with such desperation and hope it almost burns to lie to her.

    "It went great. He said he'll check back with us when he decides if we can or not." Was all I could manage to say.

    "Really? That's great!" Perri practically leaps off the bed and squeezes me into a tight hug. "Thanks, Avivah. I knew you'd handle it better than I ever could."

    "It was no problem." I wrap my arms around her slowly and after a while of awkward hugging, I finally start my departure. "I'm really tired, Perri. I think I'm just gonna call it a day, alright?"

    "Oh," She looks me over one more time before adding, "Right. You've had a long day today with Officer Lu. You even skipped out on lunch and training today."

    "You're right. I'm sorry about that. I know we were supposed to train together and how important it was to you."

    She gives a small nod. "Well at least we can try again tomorrow, right?" Walking past me, Perri heads to the door, stops and turns to face me once more. "Good night, Avivah. Sleep well. See you for breakfast." And with that she takes her leave.

    When I'm alone in my room, I look out of the window and my heart sinks for the first time.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I'll see you for breakfast."
From my reflection casted in the window, I notice my hair has gotten longer and has finally gotten to a darker brown. Twisting it into a bun, I turn away from the window and begin packing, leaving my dress and heels last. I was in no rush to wear them but something told me putting them at the bottom of my bag would wrinkle the dress and probably tarnish the heels. With that being said, I waited until I'd completed my final outfit before carefully laying them on top.

At around midnight, I leave my room without a word, my bag over my shoulder. When I walk past Perri's room I notice the door slightly ajar, her light snoring giving me a stab of guilt and leaving a copper taste in my mouth. How was I supposed to break it to her that I wasn't going to be here in the morning? Wait, there was no need. She'd realize I was gone before breakfast and probably assume I'd gotten assigned.


By the time I reach Officer Lu's office, there is a man waiting by the door.

"State your name, girl." His lip curls into a snarl, eyes blue as the morning sky before dawn.

"Avivah. Avivah Walker." I stand straight enough for him to maybe find I'm professional. "Officer Lu told me to report here before five in the morning."

"Lu called you?" The mysterious guy takes my right hand from my side and looks at my palms. "313" He says before opening the door.

I nod in thanks and walk towards Lu's desk. "I'm here Lu. What's next?"

Lu rises from his office chair and hands me a thick yellow envelope. "Don't open it until you've reached the hotel, alright?"

Studying the envelope's width, I nod, sucking in a small and shaky breath. "I'll be alone for the flight, yes?"

"No. I'm sure Nark checked you outside, right?" Lu's smirk stretches his cheek, his eyes filled with amusement. "That hunk of muscle will be accompanying you on your flight."

"Him? Sir Block Head?" If a mouth could audibly drop, I'm sure he'd of heard it. "That isn't fair. He looks like he'd have snap me in half if I'd have disobeyed orders from him."

"That's because he would."


"Calm down. He doesn't know he has to play bodyguard for you yet."

"And just when will you tell him?"

Lu props his feet on his desk and throws a knife at the door, hitting it dead in the middle.

"You called, boss?" Nark pokes his head inside and sneaks a glance at me and my envelope.

"You remember Avivah, right?" Lu holds a hand up to silence Nark before he answers.

"Great. Welcome to your new babysitting job! Make sure she stays in one piece." Nark opens his mouth to speak once more but is silenced again. "If she doesn't come to me safe and sound, I'll make sure you end up six feet under."

I clear my throat before asking, "Lu, isn't that a bit much?"

"No. A bit much is me hurting his family. This is child's play." Lu grabs my right hand and places something cold and hard in my palm.

"Wear this. It's important that you never take it off."

Looking Lu in the eyes, I nod and turn my attention to the Nark. His eyes were pooled with unknown emotions and his hands were clenched into fists. From the look of it he wasn't so happy about his job, and was trying his best not to yell his refusal.

Opening my hand, a hexagonal prism necklace stared back at me. It's prism was sky blue and it's chain was gold. Running my index finger over the chain, Lu slowly walks up behind me and extends his hand.

"I'll fasten it for you." He smiles.

Nark finally looks up and walks over to hold my hair up. "Will she really need this, boss? She doesn't seem like the type to run around."

"Just for now." Is all Lu says before moving back to his desk and letting the prism dangle from my neck. "Please be safe, Avivah. That's all I ask."

"I promise." A part of me doesn't want to leave Lu but since it's a request from him, I have no choice.

"Now go. Your flight will be boarding soon."

Nark and I share glances before grabbing our things and leaving Lu's Office.

New York, New York.

Killer Vixen Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora