Late Night Bite~

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Marshall pov.                                                I was sitting in my office upstairs on the 4th floor since that's the very top floor of my hospital finishing up some paperwork. It was 11:50 pm so it was almost midnight and all the other patients should be asleep. And all my employees should have gone home by now. I was almost finished and was about to take Candice back to our little home in the woods behind the hospital. Then suddenly I dropped my pencil and I began to get an awful sharp pain in my stomach. Then I began to get an extremely strong unbearable thirst. It had been over 2 weeks since the last time I had blood. I needed blood. And I needed it now. All of a sudden my eyes fell on my little human toy peacefully sleeping on the small love seat in my office. I got up and began to slowly walk over to my little pet.                                           Candice pov.                                                  I was asleep on the love seat waiting for Marshall to finish paperwork so we could go home when suddenly I was being lightly shaken. I woke up and slowly sat up. Thinking Marshall was waking me up to take me home I just got up without even taking the time to look at him since I was so tired and ready to go home. I went over to pick up my bag but when I turned around I was startled when marshall slammed both hands on each side of me against the wall trapping me while putting one leg up between my legs. His eyes were glowing bright red and his fangs were already out. "You're not going anywhere just yet pet." He said to me. I knew exactly what was wrong. This has happened before. He needed blood and I was his donor after all so I had no problem giving him what he needed. "Just hurry up and take what you need I'm tired." I said back. he immediately gave my neck a long lick. I moved my head a little for him to give him more access to my neck. He gave me a small kiss in the crook of my neck before sinking his fangs deep into my neck piercing the skin and gulping down blood thirstly. I squeezed the sleeve of his shirt wincing at the pain a little and he took my arms and roughly pinned them against the wall just up above my head. He sank both his fangs as deep as he could drinking up as much blood as he wanted til his thirst was finally quenched.                                          Marshall pov.                                                I sank my fangs as deep as I could drinking up as much of her sweet delicious blood as I could til I was fully satisfied. I felt her body began to go a little limp as I had her completely pinned against the wall. I finally retracted my fangs from her neck licking up any blood that had dripped down her neck and let her fall against me into my arms. Shit.. I thought to myself. I hope I didn't take too much. I immediately checked her pulse slightly freaking out. She still had a pretty normal pulse and heart beat. Just a little off and slightly slower than usual but she should be fine I thought to myself. I gave a quick sign of relief as I carefully held her in my arms bridal style. I'll bring her some cranberry juice and citrus fruit in the morning to help her start building up her blood quicker. I then layed her carefully back onto the love seat, grabbed her bag and put it on my shoulder then carefully picked her back up. I walked out of my office and took the elevator to the first floor still carrying her. She was a very light weight so it was really quite easy and no trouble at all holding her. I stopped by the second floor to check on all the patients and saw them all asleep in their rooms. I finally got to the first floor and made sure all my employees have gone home as well. I then exited the building and put Candice in the back seat of my car then got in myself. I drove back to our secret home in the woods following the dirt path like always. Once we arrived home I got out of the car and took Candice out as well then carried her all the way up our small drive way and into our house. I unlocked the front door and quietly walked in while holding Candice in my arms and her bag still on my shoulder. I took her upstairs and layed her in bed in my room. Finally I sat her bag down on a random chair by my desk. I was tired as well so I went and took a quick shower then threw on my dark red robe. I came back into my room and checked her pulse and heart beat one last time. I grabbed my first aid kit taking out a small IV needle and IV machine with some fluids inside. I tied a rubber band around her arm finding the perfect vein then wiped the area with an alcohol wipe. I know she's not going to be very happy when she wakes up. She hates needles. I always have to tie her to the damn table just to give her her vaccines. I inserted the needle into her arm and hooked up the IV and the fluids began to enter her arm going into her veins. Her pulse and heartbeat were fine. I'm just taking procautions. I don't want to risk anything and plus it'll help her. But if she rips it out again it's definitely gonna be the punishment room for her. Or maybe I might just take her there for the fun of it tomorrow I thought to myself and chuckled. I kissed her head and went to sleep on the other side of the bed and put my arm around her. "Goodnight my little kitten." I whispered.

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