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A/n;listen to the music if possible

When the bell rang signalling that it was time for lunch, I start to pack all my things into my bag. Just as I finish, I look up from my school bag and see nearly the ENTIRE class surrounding me.

Everyone started talking at the same time, I tried to listen to everybody, but it didn't work. Then a girl with dark blue hair in pink tales and blue eyes started to yell at everyone. "Guys, stop. We're scaring her" she says as everyone calmed down. Then everyone started to introduce them selves. When I go to my locker some of the girls in my class came up to me.

"Hey (y/n), do you want to come to my sleepover tonight? "Asked the named Julika. "Could I text my parents to let them know first? " I ask closing my locker. "Sure".

Hey mom, can I go to my new friends sleepover tonight?.

Sure sweetheart, get your stuff after school and I'll see you tomorrow🌸🌺💏🌺🌸


"My parents said yes~"I sing. All the girls started to get excited. " Do you want me to show you to the the place after school? "Asks Marinette. I nod, " Okay, I need to drop off my school bag though at home before we go"Mari says. " That's fine, Mari " I say. We sit in the cafeteria all together and eat lunch.


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