♡Where are we?♡

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Leah opened her eyes.

She looked around her and found out that the location she is in is unfamiliar to her.

"GUYS WAKE UP!" She shouted.

Sophia immediately shot up. "WHERE ARE WE!" She shouted when she realized that they weren't at New York anymore.

Kristina woke up at the sound of Sophia's voice and quizzically looked around.

Elliana woke up next grumbling about how she needed to go to the mall right now.

April on the other hand... was still asleep...snoring..

Sophia rolled her eyes.


"IM UP IM UP!" April sat up suddenly.

"Seriously Soph?!" She said before yawning.

"Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep mischief but we got a problem here." Sophia said to her.

"Where are we?" Kristina asked.

"Exactly my question Kris." Sophia said.

"Lets ask that dude over there." Leah said pointing to a man who was nearby sipping his coffee.

"No we are n-" Sophia started to say

"Hey mister...sir...uhh...dude do you know what city we are in?" April asked the man.

The man looked at her as if she was crazy "We're in Westchester County of course."

"Oh okay, thanks mister sir dude." April said thanking the man.

"How are we here? I mean we were miles away from here just a few...err... before we blacked out." Ellian- exclaimed.

"Don't worry, we'll doctor doom and ask him to bring us back." Sophia said

"But we don't know where he is." Leah pointed out.

"I know but it isn't hard to find a big bulky guy wearing a green cape."

"I take that back, it is really hard to find a big bulky guy wearing a green cape." Sophia moaned.

They were in a bar having a drink after all that searching.

"Ugh, mutants they are all around us." They heard a voice say.

The turned and say a man and a woman sitting in a table beside them.

The man nodded. "I know right, I can't believe my daughter is one, luckily she is gone for good."

"Mutants?" Leah whispered "What are those?"

"They are humans with powers like us." Elliana whispered back.

"What? I didn't know we were called mutants. I thought we were superheroes?" Leah exclaimed softly.

"Well we are not in New York Leah."

"But I thought we were famous everywhere on earth?"

"Well maybe this city is not that well updated."



"Because what?"

"Just because."

Sophia rolled her eyes at them and approached the man and woman that were taking about mutants.

"Hi there! I'm a tourist here with my friends, we are from a country not far from here and I couldn't help but overhearing you're conversation about mutants?" Sophia said.

"Ah yes. Always causing trouble those mutants. My daughter goes to a school for them 2 months ago. Thank goodness for that." The man said.

"Do you know where the school is? You see I work for a news business and this mutants might just be the subject that everyone wants to hear." Sophia told them.

"Make sure you write bad about them!" The woman said after the man told them the address.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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