Part 26- Flashback 7

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FLASHBACK- this one had problems uploading the screenshots so it's copy and pasted from where I wrote it

A light drizzle wasn't the best weather for an outdoor graduation ceremony, but they would just have to make do with slightly wet suits then. The crowd of parents and students cheered as they went up in turn to give speeches.

"Lee Jeno," came the voice from the main stage. Jaemin gave him a squeeze of the wrist as he got up next to him.

"I'll cheer even when no one else does." Jeno only had time to give him a quick and subtle middle finger before he was whisked off to the stage.

It was reminiscent of all those nights the pair has sat with each other and simply listened, except this time it was about information Jaemin had known long before anyone else. Sometimes he wondered if he knew Jeno better than himself, and this was one of these times.

"I'm sure my classmates will agree that school has been a struggle, but hey look at us! Graduating," Jeno started. It was hard to see from the middle of the audience, but since Jaemin already knew what Jeno was going to say, he tuned himself out and enjoyed listening to the easy voice from the speaker (the electronic and human one). But something caught his ears, about two minutes later as Jeno was wrapping up.

"I'd like to especially thank my best friend Jaemin; he's been there for me in the second half of school life here and strongly believe he's part of the reasons I'm standing here now, giving this speech. Na Jaemin, thank you so much." The younger sat there, a blushing embarrassed mess of soft emotions. The audience was clapping. Why? Jeno wasn't done yet. But he was walking off stage- why was that? Almost reading his mind as he took his seat next to Jaemin, Jeno replied,

"'Cause you're my end, bro."


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