Contest Rules

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Oof. Not much people enjoy this. Well, have them whether you like it or not :).

1. Do not disrespect each other. Treat every contestant fairly and with respect.

2. If you have any questions or concerns about the contest you may pm us or cutebutpsycho-x to help.

3. Please, no bullying or bribing judges or other contestants!!! This doesn't usually happen, but it has to be stated. If we spot anything, you will be backlisted.

4. Follow this account and add this to your library and public reading list. This is to ensure that you'll recieve notifications about the contest whether there be changes or announcements.

5. To ensure that everybody had read the  rules, the password is any word that starts with the first letter of your name.

6. We will only be accepting 15 entries. If everything is filled up, and if we manage to hire judges, we'll start.

7. We only accept books under 50k, so that more people can be GOLD!!!

8. Accepting only 2 books per author in different genres.

9. Your book need not be complete but should have a minimum of five chapters.

10. Meet new friends and have fun!!!

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