Part 1

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"Oh don't go"

"I have to my love." said Tredrick, a young soldier going of for a battle in the midwest Atlantis.

"It's fine if you don't go. Nothing will happen if one soldier is reduced", said Petrecia, his wife.

Tredrick Jones and Petricia Jones were a newly-wedded couple. Their marriage was one of a kind. Tredrick and Petrecia were two young lovers. Outgoing the world, living their lives and enjoying loving each other. Tredrick was the son of a Major in the Airforce, and so it was that Tredrick dreamt to become one in the army. He was quite tall and heavy built. He was living his age at twenty five. A decent man he was.

Petricia was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, Mr. Peterson Fredrick Thompson. She enjoyed all the luxuries of life. She was just a twenty two year old woman. Her parents were her gaurdians but all the decisions about Petricia were made by her grandfather.

Petricia loved horse riding and that's where luck had brought the two lovers together. Petricia loved riding horses and Tredrick loved bidding on them. Near the end of the corner of the race track was Petricia sitting on a horse and talking with her friends who were sitting on the other horses. Tredrick on the other hand, had come with his two twin cousins, Lewis and Liam.

As Tredrick entered the the stadium in front of the race track, after buying the ticket for his bet on a horse named "Stardust", his grace fell upon Petricia. Her beautiful light brown locks mesmerized him. Her beautiful shape and angle made him stagger backwards. For him, she was beyond all those beautiful women he had ever seen.

While Tredrick was still hypnotised by Petrecia, a gunshot rang. The race had started.

"We've got horse no. 4, Stardust, in leading position, closely followed by horse no. 7, Tiger", the commentator said this with all the excitement he had within himself.

Tredrick was quite shocked because even though he had bidded on many horses many a times, his fortune never supported him. He thought that today was his lucky day. After the race had finished and Stardust had won, Tredrick grew curious to know about the owner of this magnificent horse. It was none other than Petricia. Stardust was one of Petricia's fastest horse and her favourite. He found Petricia near the stables, hugging Stardust as tight as possible.

"Good morning my lady", said Tredrick only to make Petricia turn around.

"Good morning. May I happen to know you?" Her voice was so sweet that Tredrick got lost in it and forgot what to say next.

"I beg your pardon, Sir. May I know who you are?"

"My name is Tredrick Jones. I mean Major Tredrick Jones. I was a bidder on your horse. I must say ma'am, your horse is quite lucky for me." As Tredrick was saying this line, he started walking with Petricia.

"Oh, it's great to know that someone else has also benefitted from my profit....." said Petricia in quite a casual voice.

Tredrick and Petricia's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now