Chapter 3: Awkward

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This chapter my friend wrote.

The aura felt awkward. My eyes began to silently move towards Errol. "What?" he snapped angrily. "N-Nothing. So, your name's Errol, huh?" I asked, trying to break the silence. "Yeah I'm pretty sure that's my name," Errol said sarcastically. "This girl has no fucking brain cells," he whispered fiercely under his breath. "I was just gonna say how cool your name was." I hastily tried defending myself, flinching at his words. "Oh, thanks I guess..." He muttered, kicking a rock. I didn't say anything else, hastily trying to think of something to say. "Did you hear the wolves?" I asked, bracing myself for whatever he would say next. "No duh. Who didn't?" He snapped sarcastically. "You said you met Aster?" I asked. "Yes. And she was awful. Can you stop talking to me until Winter gets back?" He sighed in exasperation. I got a bit angry and snapped back. "Then I'm sure you and Aster get along perfectly!" He looked a little surprised when I said that. "You complain about Aster being a jerk, but you can't seem to get off my back about asking questions." I crossed my arms and turned away. "Stupid questions. Asking if I heard the howling is like asking if I have seen the sun. Someone would think you've never had a proper conversation!" He laughed a bit. I didn't say a word after that, shooting him an angry and hurt look. Errol looked away awkwardly, kicking around another little pebble. Winter finally came back, holding a few bags of chips. "Soooo... How did it go?" She asked cheerfully before stopping at the look on my face. "Errol, what did you do?!" She demanded in an annoyed tone. "I didn't do anything!" He insisted. "At least that I can think of. Gimme some of those." Winter frowned but tossed him a bag of chips. Winter walked over to me and handed me a bag. "Don't worry. Errol seems like this HUGE jerk, but really he's just trying to be edgy." She assured me. I nodded, dejected, and followed her over to where Errol was trying to hit a squirrel with a chip that had fallen onto the ground. She sighed. "Errol, why are you trying to hit the squirrel?" She asked, annoyed. "Because what else am I going to do with a dirty chip?" He said, breaking off another piece and tossing it. This time, he succeeded in hitting the squirrel in the tail, causing it to take off through the trees. Errol laughed. "Yes! Take that you... Tree rat!" Winter sighed in exasperation. "Errol, please stop terrorizing the wildlife." She almost pleaded though she was clearly annoyed. "Fine. But I swear he was looking at me funny..." Errol mumbled as he shuffled toward us. We walked around a bit, occasionally listening to one of Errol's sarcastic comments. By the time the sun was low in the sky, we were by the edge of the forest. A distant howl split the silence, causing Errol to fall over in surprise. I laughed. "Anyone would think you've never heard a wolf howl!" I said, purposely pulling a bad impression of his voice. Errol stopped for a second, looking startled. Then he started laughing along with me and Winter. I came home as the sun was setting to my mother sitting at the kitchen table with an "I've been expecting you" sort of look. "Why are you coming in so late?! Dinner is almost ready. You were supposed to come home THREE HOURS AGO!" She scolded angrily. "How come you always let Maple out late with her friends?!" I demanded furiously. She stopped for a moment before opening her mouth and closing it again. "You don't think I have friends, huh? Way to believe in your daughter." I furiously stormed past her and up the stairs. I opened my door, welcoming the cold wave of air that washed over me. I slammed the door and locked it, walking toward my bed. I sat down near the window, plugged in my headphones, and listened to the same song on repeat. I closed my eyes, letting the cool wind blow against my face. I heard quiet knocking, but I ignored it. I instead let the music and the distant howls fill my ears. The knocking grew louder, and I heard shouting. I sighed and unlocked my door before walking back to my bed. I sat down as Maple walked in angrily. "Aria! Take out your headphones." She snapped. I took them out angrily, looking over at her. "What?" I snapped, instantly feeling bad about it. "Mom's crying downstairs because of whatever you said to her. What did you do?!" She demanded. "I did the same thing you do every other night." I shot back angrily. "What, go out with friends? That is not something that would make mom cry like that! And close the window." She growled, motioning toward the wide open window. She walked over and closed it, cutting off the fresh outside air. "What the hell, Maple?!" I shouted. "You can't just live inside your room, listening to music and freezing to death. You need to actually live your life Aria." She said seriously. "And that's what I was doing! I was with FRIENDS. And before you do what mom did and just sit there with your mouth open, I do have friends!" I snarled, trying to push her out. Maple looked a little startled as I shoved her out of the room forcefully, slammed the door, locked it, and went back to my bed. I listened to my music, tears streaming down my face. I was angry. Angry that my mom didn't believe in me, angry that Lillith was going to try blackmailing me and my new friend, angry at the entire world. I stared out at the woods, the trees welcoming and inviting. For the first time, I wanted to run. I wanted to run away from this house. From school. From all the people who did me wrong. I shook these thoughts away, laying down on my bed and dozing off. I woke up to the smell of food, and I looked over at my dresser to see a plate of spaghetti. I sighed, ate quickly, and fell into an uneasy sleep that was riddled with nightmares. I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring loudly, my head pounding in a vicious headache. I groggily got dressed, and headed downstairs. I didn't say a word to anyone, but I instead kept on moving outside. I headed to school nervously, expecting Lillith and her group to corner me again. Rather, I saw Errol and Winter waiting outside for me. "Hey, guys!" I said cheerfully. Errol grunted a hello, and Winter waved at me happily. We headed in the building, to see Lillith and Aster waiting for us. Errol cursed under his breath. "Shit... Can we go the other way?" He asked, annoyed. I shook my head. "This is the only way to Mrs. Goldshoe's room." I fretted. We headed forward, and I felt a spark of hope as I saw Aster glance at Errol, hold Lillith back, and whisper something to her. That spark fizzled out and died as I saw the two storm over to us. "You never did what we asked of you, stupid." Aster jeered. Errol looked up at her in disgust. "Fuck off." He snapped. Lillith laughed. "Better watch your mouth, or I'll have you three in Mr. King's office before you can even blink!" Errol looked angry and opened his mouth, probably to curse at them again, before Winter grabbed him and shot him a warning look. "Are you going to do what we ask, or are we gonna have to tell Mr. King you were insulting me?" Lillith asked, her voice dripping with false sweetness. I faltered, glancing back at the other two. "No! I don't want to! I'll never do what you tell me! Not ever!" I spat, my voice filled with venom. Lillith looked furious and turned around. "I'm telling Mr. King!" She wailed, fake crying. I felt confused before I realized what she'd done. She was waiting for us right outside of Ms. Jay's room. Ms. Jay stormed out, stopping as she saw me, who looked angry, and Lillith, who was acting like someone had punched her hard in the gut through fake tears. Ms. Jay let out a cry of fury. "Aria West! Go to your class right now. You two, get to class as well. Mr. King WILL hear about this." She scolded angrily. I instantly froze in shock and fear as Ms. Jay lead a fake sobbing Lillith away, followed by Aster. I knew there was no escaping suspension knowing that Ms. Jay thought I had punched Lillith. Winter waved the two of us goodbye nervously and headed to her own class. Errol and I went to our science class, where eventually Mr. King called me through the speakers. Errol shot me a worried look, mouthing "good luck" as I walked out. I entered the room where I saw Lillith, Aster, and an empty seat waiting for me. "Have a seat Ms. West." The principal said sternly. I sat, glancing over at the other two. "Lillith, tell me what happened." He said softly. Lillith sniffed dramatically and started. "Well, Aster and I were talking outside of Ms. Jay's room, when Aria came. Her friends looked like they didn't want to be there and-" I cut her off angrily. "They didn't want to be there because YOU were there!" I shouted in outrage. "Let Lillith finish." Mr. King said sternly. "And then Aria asked me to move. I was about to, but then she got impatient. She punched me!" She broke into another bought of fake crying. Mr. King looked directly at me. "Aria West, you are suspended."

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