And one by one they fall

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As the sun started to set, Snufkin at last reached his tent. He put his stuff down next to the entrance and plopped down on the grass. Today had been an eventful day, leaving him exhausted to no end. It didn't help that he had to hunt down criminals either, but there was nothing he could do. He put the crime in Moomin Valley, so it was his responsibility to take it back out. He looked off into the distance. The sun was just now passing underneath the mountains, giving the valley a golden glow. It was peaceful, just like how it used to be all those months ago. How he used to travel around during winter without having too much worry. Or how he could go fishing any time he pleased with the occasional visitor passing by to greet him. Everything used to be filled with life, but now, the life was no more. He longed for the day that all of this would end. He wanted to be free again, to see his friends again. He wanted to laugh and dance and play tunes on his harmonica with them. He missed all of them, even Little My, as aggravating as she may be. He wondered how the Moomin household was holding up. It'd been such a long time since he'd visited. Snufkin missed the home cooked meals he'd often get. Oh... and poor Moomin. He must be taking this whole crime thing the worst. He hated hurting people, and to think nowadays hurting people is the only option. Moomin can't just talk it out with people anymore, there's no time for that. 

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