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 it took me long... aww sorry... anyway, it has come to an end! this is a short end by the way. enjoy!

also Hello Venus - Again is a good background music for this. :D


Three weeks and a week before it became a month, that was how long Kyungsoo had been with Rein. The progress was slow, and as much as Rein wanted it fast, she couldn't make Kyungsoo remember everything in an instant.

Kyungsoo, had started to gain memories, albeit vague and uncertain, he was happy of his accomplishment.

The time came when Kyungsoo's mother's sudden visit at the apartment surprised them both. Kyungsoo was cooking, and Rein was talking some memory about him cooking.

"Am I interrupting something?" Kyungsoo's mother fake coughed and then eyed Rein.

Kyungsoo left his cooking and offered his mom to sit on the table, mouthing something like 'nice timing, eat dinner here... mom.' Rein noticed Kyungsoo's uneasiness when he mentioned 'mom'.

"I'm fine Kyungsoo. How about you?" the lady asked and in a sophisticated way, sat on her seat. She then eyed Rein back. Rein gulped, the animosity flooded her. She was afraid the Kyungsoo's mom was mad.

"So Rein..." Kyungsoo's mom started once Kyungsoo excused himself to clean up.

Rein gulped for the nth time, "Y-yes?"

"Kyungsoo doesn't seem to improve." The lady stated.

Rein nodded, "Yes it may seem like that but he is slowly gaining them."

"I cannot wait, Rein." The lady tapped her fingers on the table impatiently. "So we decided to bring Kyungsoo to the States and checked him there. The professionals might be able to help him."

Rein was surprised the second time, and she glanced at Kyungsoo's room before looking at his mother. "Are you sure, M-ma'am? His case is expected to take that long. Any professionals would say that—"

Kyungsoo's mother slammed her hands on the table and Rein flinched, startled. "Are you one of the professionals to say that thing, Rein? Or you just wanted Kyungsoo for yourself? Obviously you are taking advantage of the situation! You take things slower and who knows? You are making up stories to make us bad in Kyungsoo's memories so that you can get him back. You are wrong, Rein. You won't get Kyungsoo or his riches!"

Kyungsoo's mother was fuming, her face written with so much anger. And Rein, she stayed silent. She knew that, when she spoke and talked back, things would get worse. Anyway, no matter how much she defend herself, she always end up wrong.

Rein sighed, "You may think anything about me Ma'am but one thing is for sure, I do not want Kyungsoo for myself. Helping him was the least I could do after what happened to him, for which I was to blame, right?" she laughed bitterly. "If you want, you can take him now."

Rein left the mother and went straight to her room, a spared one in which her things were placed. She packed them and when she was ready, she went out. She passed by Kyungsoo who was confused and his mother behind him, grinning evilly. Rein perceived it as that, evil.

She took a step towards Kyungsoo, caressed his cheek and smiled, trying so hard to keep herself from crying. "Bye, Soo."

And as she headed to the door, Kyungsoo caught her arms to stop her but she didn't turn around. Kyungsoo let her go when she tugged her arm away from his grip. Kyungsoo stood their, confused more than ever and looked at his mother then back at her. But she walked out straight on the door.


Six months, Rein counted. It had been six months since she last saw Kyungsoo. She looked up from where she was seating outside a café. The sky looked calm, the sun wasn't biting and the wind blows off cool air.


As she took a sip on her drink, a random man with a suspicious attire with sunglasses sat on the opposite chair across her. She was about to tell him that the sit was taken to make him go away but she yelped in surprise when the man took her hand and dragged her away.

She was yelping as they ran so fast. People they passed by on the sidewalks gave them weird looks but none even took the courage to dial 911 or something. Rein worried so much and she tried yanking her arms from the grip but she couldn't let go of herself.

They made a sharp turn at an alley after a few minutes of running and Rein panted so hard. The man stood in front of her, while Rein leaned on the wall, eyeing the man alarmingly.

The suspicious man straightened his back and smiled at her, Rein was creep out.

"Uh Mister, I don't know you. Please let me go—"

She was cut off when the man kissed her full on the lips. Her eyes widened and her hands reached out to pull him away but he had her hands pinned at the top of her head. She tried kicking but he managed to paralyze her legs. Rein started crying, she was being raped. It would be the end of the world, if only she allowed Kyungsoo before to do it with her, at least Kyungsoo was her first.

The man let go of her and Rein slumped down, knees wobbling and weak as she sobbed.

"Sorry. Rein." The man spoke.

Rein's sob slowly faded as it came out into a whimper, looking up at the man in curiosity.

"I made you cry. I hate myself." The man spoke again.

Rein recognized the voice.


The man smiled once again. Rein jumped up and kissed Kyungsoo once again, she removed his sunglasses to confirm it was him and it was Kyungsoo indeed.

"You scared me idiot!" she hit him on the arm hard, Kyungsoo groaned as he rubbed the sore part.

"I'm sorry. I've been watching you for a while already. And I was thinking so hard how to approach you, so I made it that way." Kyungsoo reasoned out.

Rein glared, "And you almost kill me." She paused and held Kyungsoo on his shoulders, "Wait, you had been watching me for a while? Since when?!"

Kyungsoo grinned, "Since that day you left me idiot."

Rein gasped.

"What?" Kyungsoo asked, innocent. "Oh, I didn't come with mom. Hell, I don't want to leave. Besides I already had my memories back even before she surprised visit us."

Rein's eyes widened this time. "What do you mean?"

"Rein, my memories gain already day one when we started living on my apartment."

She shook her head in disbelief, hands clasping on her mouth as she sobbed silently. "Why? I felt stupid. You were pretending after all?"

Kyungsoo apologetically looked at her, he grabbed her hands and held them tight. "Rein, I did it because I don't want you to leave me again. I almost lose you once, never wanted that to happen twice."

He hugged her as she cried on his arms. "I love you Rein."

Rein sobbed so hard, she wanted to ask about his parents but she realized she didn't have to worry about them right now. What matters was that Kyungsoo was here. He came back for her. And that she wouldn't leave him.


-- end

The Epiphany of Do Kyungsoo [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now