Chapter 7

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Why am I always tired while writing these? Why do I always pick times when I'm tired to write this? I should be sleeping not doing this! Also have this Shinsou and Bakugou bonding moment chapter!

☆Bakugou's POV☆

It was the next day after the party and I woke up in my room for the first time feeling safe not just for me but for everyone else here. Which would be strange for strangers to hear since they think I'm mean and stuff which I am but they're also just fucking idiots who don't bother to even try to get to know a person.

After my little rant I got up and went over to bathroom where I did my daily routine before getting dressed for the day in some casual clothes since tomorrow was the last day of freedom before school started up again. Anyway after doing that I started heading down to the kitchen to make myself breakfast and once I got there while I was making food I heard the doors to the dorm open but when I came to look all I saw was Shinsou surrounded with a bunch of boxes.

I tried to hold in my laughter at his situation seeing as he already looked tired as hell bit I couldn't stop the snort that passed through my lips which gained his attention. Once his eyes set on my nearly laughing figure he sighed and said "You know I didn't think my day would start out with someone laughing at me with boxes surrounding me."

I tried speaking but some of the words were cut off with laughs "It's just that- you look- so tired and you just have boxes surrounding you and you look like you just didn't want to deal with this!" At the end I started laughing my fucking ass off and he sighed once again before saying "You know you could at least help me move in and then laugh."

By this point my laughing has stopped to a few giggles as I said "All you had to do was say the word-" then I smelled something. Something burning then it hit me, my breakfast! I quickly ran over just in time to stop it from causing a fire but it was already too late, my breakfast was burned to much to be edible. (R.I.P breakfast lived August 21-August 21. I'm sure you would have been a good breakfast.)

This time it was my turn to sigh as I got out the stuff to make pancakes again and bu this point Shinsou had came into the kitchen and sat down at the island as I asked "You want some? You better take some while the offers still up since only me and Sato are allowed to use the kitchen."

He then said "Sure I'll take some bit why is it only you two that's allowed to use the kitchen?" I started cooking the pancakes while I said "Because those idiots would only burn down the kitchen and if you don't know how to cook then the same rule applies to you."

I turned to face him as he stared with an questioning look, at what he was looking at I don't know until I followed his gaze to see my tail? "Why are you staring at my tail?" He shrugged before saying "Just wondering why it's wagging. You are a werewolf right? Meaning you're from the dog family meaning that when your happy your tail wags?"

I felt my face immediately flush in embarrassment as I tried to focus back in cooking as that suddenly became the most interesting thing in this room while I tried to will my tail to stop wagging though it seemed as though it wasn't working. Then I heard him say "Ah so that is it. Well nice to see you to Bakugou, I hope we can become good friends." Then that made my tail wag even more only showing that I wish the same thing and out the corner of my eye I could see his teasing grin grow and he knew I could see as my blush went to my ears.

Soon after that a comfortable silence settled in the room as I made the plates and we ate in silence the only sound coming from the scraping of forks hitting the plate or the sound of the water running as I washed plates. As soon as we exited the kitchen the silence became no more as Shinsou said "Ok now how are we gonna do this?"

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