Katie and Jack

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Chapter one~katie

Pulling the soft duvet up over my arms to warm them up I look around at the strange room that surrounds me. For me it was just another Sunday morning just another one night stand. I wasn't always like this at one point I would have been disgusted at the thought of going home with a stranger. But that was the old Katie, the Katie that had dignity and self respect. But that was when I had everything I could have ever wanted, that was when I had Matt.

"Morning gorgeous ". A voice croaked.

"Morning" I replied looking at him to remind me what he looked like .

"Last night was great" He smiled while leaning over to kiss me, his hair a blonde mess from last nights drunken actions .  

"You want breakfast?"

"Oh sorry I have to go I am meeting my sister for a dress fitting" At this point I had already gotten out of his king size bed and was throwing my clothes on.

"Oh right when will I see you again?" he asked looking slightly surprised that I was leaving so soon.

" I will call you" I smile while heading leaving his room.

I had no intentions to call him, he was just another distraction from the dark cloud that I carried around with me.  The part about the dress fitting was true so at least my excuse to leave was real for a change.  

Authors note- I know my spelling and grammer will be all over the place i will get around to fixing it i promise!. Well i hope you enjoy :D

Also thank's to RoseOfZion for the lovely cover xox

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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