School -.-

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Picture at the top is of Austin ❤️❤️


Bella's pov

I woke up in my bed I groan realizing I have to go to school today

I get up I look in to the mirror. I look like I got hit by a bus. So I got in the shower got my clothes on . I put on a crop top that said "to sassy for you" and then some dark jeans with white converse. I did my makeup. I ran downstairs the boys greeted me and I ate Harry told me he was taking me to school.

Great..Alone in a car with a dirty teenage boy.

We got in the car and drove off.

"So how was your mornin" Harry asked me . "well I have to go to school so pretty bad" .

We arrived at the school. The sign read Riley Dickinson Middle school.

We went inside and got my schedule. First I had Science. Great I love science (sarcasm) . I walked into the room and there was a tall man writing his name on the board.

"You must be Bella" . "And you must be a genius" I replied with a sassy tone. The class started chuckling.

"Well you can go sit by Mr.Austin over there". I looked over to where he was pointing there was a cute guy sitting at a table in the back waving.

I walked over and sat down

"Hey I'm Austin" the boy spoke.

"Hi I'm Bella"

Will he be my future boyfriend?


Should she tell him about her past?!?!

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