Dutchy's Abroad

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After receiving a medal from the US Ambassador, Dylan didn't feel like he deserved it.  Two of his team members died in the Gulf because of him. It made him feel disgusted with himself. He requested to be posted closer to his parents and home as he felt like he had been away for far too long and maybe being close to home would help him recover.

NAVCOM called him earlier in the morning to tell him that he is posted on a Patrol Boat called Hammersley unfortunately though it has been crash-sailed and is set to sail at 1000 hours               (10:00 am). Dutchy was all ready and hopped onto his trusty motorbike and set to the port.

As soon as Dylan got there, he was introduced to the crew, and the Hammersley set sail. Throughout the day he was told by the crew that he should be careful of the XO affectionally called X that she is a hard taskmaster and if you do anything wrong, she would get him to scrub the ship with a toothbrush. Dylan soon had a nickname and was dubbed Dutchy.

Dutchy hoped that he would be liked but he did feel like he needed to protect the XO when he heard that she goes on board with the crew, and she was so small to his larger frame. He realised how close the crew were to each other. 

There were two chefs - Bomber and Cheffo, 

Sailors- ET and Spider and 2Dads,

Petty Officers - Buffer and Dutchy and Charge,

Navigator- NAV

Communication Officer- RO

Medic- Swain

Gap year -Bird and maybe Ryan later on

Dutchy never felt like the ship could be a family away from the family but he soon became part of the crew and he decided he wouldn't transfer at all. As each member took their role seriously to maintain that they followed the navy code they also had fun whether it was playing poker and losing, teasing each other or just talking.

One afternoon after a routine boarding of a boat Dutchy threw X away from the guy with a gun in his hand. After they arrested the guy for using a gun, X asked to speak to him.

Let me know if this sounds ok.

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