Scratch the List

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Lazysunshine, here! Just so you know, "The List" was a complete waste of my time so just scratch it!

From now on, you can share your ideas whenever you want. Please note that the maximum of how many chapters you can update in a row is 3. THHRREEEEEEEE.

But of course, you can update just 1 or 2.

Enjoy the last chapter, also known as 'I wasted 5 minutes of my life' chapter.

If you're wondering why, it's because of this horrid thing... A place that wastes 8 hours of our life for five days every week... It's called....


Most of our writers have school and crappy exams while I sit here on this airplane, complaining how my life sucks. I haven't been to school for around half a month, the reason is that I'm in Vietnam. And it's awesome.

Anyways, since school/hell ruined our schedule, it's a free-update-until-the-holidays season for our group. Once the holidays, OR summer gets here, our schedule will come back.

And yes, I will post when our time will come back.


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