- 18. STARS -

142 4 0

Scarlett's POV

They don't cheer, they laugh. Especially when you fall, so miserably, they don't give a damn. Neither do I.

My vision was getting worse, but everything looked so bright at the same time. My ears were ringing but the same voices still came back to me.

Fight or flight?

I don't give a shit if I'm tired or not, I chose to fight, and so I shall show you how to fight.

Collecting all my energy, I got up on my two wobbling legs, and my hands curled into fists.

They were numb and bloody red, but red is my favourite colour. I took one last glance at my opponent.

He was tall and muscular but I couldn't see his face. His figure reminded me of someone, whom I can't bother to recall his name at this moment. My thoughts were scattered everywhere because I didn't allow it into my brain.

I wouldn't risk my life to think. Which sounds wrong, but isn't the situation I'm in already wrong? Speaking of this awful situation, I'm not losing to someone I recognise!

I regain my posture and this time, I have no mercy on you... Zacky.


I stumbled on my feet, hoping he won't get up.


My legs were giving up on me, but I forced them to stand a little longer.


I couldn't even jump because of my weak legs, but I also couldn't contain the happiness in me. People who bet their money on me cheered and congratulated me as well.

Eat shit Zacky.

I couldn't bother to help Zachary up and ran to collect my money.

I walked away from the crowd and counted my money, I felt no pain nor aches although I know the pain will sting tomorrow. These are the money I earned, all these pain had paid off. I thought about going for another fight but someone patted my shoulders, and I turned around.

He stood there in defeat but no guilty looks for beating beating me up. He didn't look that injured, but the concern look on his face tells that I really look bad.

"You do this for the money?" He asked. I was still out of breath for any voice to come out from my mouth, so I just nodded.

He was speechless at my actions, but he should've already known. You don't consider yourself as a bad girl unless you know how to fight. And that's it, I've beaten Zackary, the school's bad boy.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked, as if he's not here for the money too.

"The money," he pointed on the stack of money I was holding, "but unfortunately I didn't get some today."

"How sad." I mocked him, "I'm going for another round, maybe you wanna try fight me again?"

He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything, I mirrored his action. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I crossed my hands over my chest and tried to get to the front again, until he blocked me with big arm.

"You look awful." He stated. Wow, like I didn't know that. "You expected me to wear makeup?" I said sarcastically, waiting for a response.

"Follow me." Was all he said and walked outside the base. I didn't have a choice but to follow. After all, his hand has a very strong grip that is pulling me everywhere.

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