How you met

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You were watching Gryffindors quidditch team practice for a big game that was coming up along with a few of your friends. All of you had very different opinions on who was the best player, which team was going to win, a pretty normal discussion for you guys to have. Of course, most of you were cheering for Gryffindor, due to how well they had been playing the last few years.

In the middle of your conversation, someone comes out of the blue and crashes into the seat right beside you. All of you jumped, but curious as you were, and worried of course, you moved forward to see who it was. To your big surprise, Harry Potter himself was laying there, clearly as shook as you were. "I'm terribly sorry, I lost the control of my broom. I have no clue how it could've happened."

"I have." One of your friends pointed to a corner where you saw three capes disappear, and distant laughter could be heard. No doubt it was Draco who had messed with Harrys broom. "I'm sorry for almost crashing into you like that. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" The brunette male spoke as he managed to get back on his legs and checked his broom. Luckily, no harm had come for neither him nor the broom. "You could buy me some food, I'm starving." You half-whined with a small smirk playing on your lips. Grabbing something to eat with the new star player of the team didn't sound too bad, and to your luck, Harry didn't seem to mind as he smiled at you. "Of course! After practice?" "After practice. I'll be waiting for you Potter."


You were just returning back to the school after paying Hagrid a visit. Your rat had been acting strange and he had offered to take a look at it. Surprisingly enough, it turned out your little "Gilbert" was actually a "Gypsy" and was carrying babies. Needless to say, you were a little embarrassed about it since you had owned her for almost a year now and never had a clue that "he" was actually a she. As you were walking, deep in thought about the things you had to make for all the babies, you suddenly bumped into something and fell right down on your ass. You quickly looked down to make sure Gypsy was okay before looking up and realizing you had walked straight into a huge tree. Bummer.

A few feet away you heard someone laugh, and to your big surprise it wasn't some Slytherin asshole that was trying to hold a laugh back, it was a Gryffindor boy. You were pretty sure his name was Ron Weasel, or, something along the lines of that. You should probably not mention his last name, just to avoid making an even bigger fool of yourself.

"Please don't tell anyone you saw this happen." You begged with doe eyes as you stood up again, walking over to him with your eyes on the road this time. "I won't, you have my word." He smiled at you and you returned it, gratefulness shining in your eyes. "Anyway, what're you doing out here on your own? You're usually with Harry and Hermione." You asked and the redhead shrugged, a slightly worried shadow fell onto his face. "I'm actually looking for them. They went out a few hours ago and I haven't seen them since..." He muttered and averted his gaze. "If you want, I can help you look on the way back." "Would you really do that?" His voice was hopeful, and you could see how happy it made him. "Definitely, besides, having some company on the way back sounds great to me."


After a long week, you had decided to stay at Hogwarts for the weekend. You were too exhausted to take the journey home, and you felt like spending some time relaxing for yourself. You had woken up a little earlier than normally Saturday morning and decided to go to the library. It was one of your favorite places to spend your time, due to its calm and quiet atmosphere. Besides, reading was a nice way to escape reality whenever it felt needed, which had been quite often lately.

Yet the morning quickly became frustrating as you couldn't seem to find the book you were looking for, a sequel to the one you had just finished. "It was here just two days ago..." A sigh of annoyance left your lips, but just as you were about to leave, someone came up behind you. "Are you looking for this one?" Your heart rose to your throat and back to your chest again as you spun around and met a pair of chocolate brown eyes, framed by beautiful, curly hair. "Is this the book you were looking for?" You looked down at her hand and there it was. "I borrowed it yesterday because I thought it was the first one, but no wonder I got the wrong one now." There was a teasing tone in her voice, but you had to listen closely to hear it.

"Why don't we trade then?" You suggested and held up your book, the prequel to the one Hermione was holding in her hand. "Sure." The female shrugged and reached out for your book, but she didn't get a hold of it before you took a step backwards. "Only on one condition." You raised an eyebrow at her, and it was obvious to anyone she was trying not to roll her eyes. "You have to tell me what you think of it when you're done." Her face softened and she gave you a nod as you traded books, deciding to say in the silent room just a bit longer and enjoy the quiet together.


Unlike many of your friends, you loved potions. Most of the others from your house preferred spells or playing quidditch, but you were completely enchanted by the potions and their power. Yet, that wasn't the only reason you loved the subject. Another reason was a certain blonde Slytherin jerk who sat just a few rows in front of you. Yes, you called him a jerk, because even thought he was cute and all, he really was the number one asshole of the school most of the time.

Still, you had been completely captured by his arctic blue eyes and his smarter-than-you-smile that almost made him look completely innocent. You spent most of your potion classes stealing glimpses of him whenever he turned to one of his friends. He had caught your gaze a few times, and each one was more embarrassing than the other, especially since he had no clue who you were. You had never talked to him or been within a distance on 2 meters or less. What could you say? He was intimidating. Once he had even sent you a flying origami bird with a note saying "Are you ever going to talk to me? Or will you just keep on staring like a creep?"

Today, he had sent you another one, and as he turned around and blew it your way you swore you saw him wink at you. It landed beautifully on your desk, just waiting for you to open it. After spending a few seconds preparing yourself for the embarrassment, you folded it out, completely shocked by the words that were written. "Seems like you chose staring creep... meet me after class, I'd like to hear if you have a voice or not." Featuring a doodle of his quidditch broom, which probably meant he wanted to meet at the field before his practice. When you finally looked up with blood red cheeks, your eyes met his. It felt like he was looking straight through you, though he was probably just looking for a reaction. It took a few seconds before you finally nodded at him, earning a smile as he turned around, and you tried to contain your cool. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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