Part 1

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Authors Note: This is just a short story that I wrote for school. So enjoy!

It was a crisp Halloween night, the streets were loud with chatter as pounding footsteps ran up and down driveways. I moved along listening to my friends talk.

"This is going to be a night to remember,"my friend Kayla said as a grin spread across her face.

"I'll say!" Meagan said looking to everyone then me. I glanced up and to everyone then me. I glanced up and smiled as I raced up the next driveway.

"Trick or Treat!" I said opening up my bag which was almost full. I waited for my friends.

"We should probably go to the tree." Kathy suggested. We all agreed and went into the cemetery.

"Why are we doing this again?" Jill asked.

"Don't you remember the story?" Only a couple of my friends nodded Meagan and I sighed, "Long ago in this city, in this neighbourhood, there was a kid who was trick or treating and was bullied having all of his candy stolen, every year until it got so bad he swore vengeance on all kids who trick or treated unless they gave him candy. His name was hockey mask Bob. Each kid had to give him 3 handfuls of candy and put it in his tree." Meagan explained.

"Why in the cemetery?" Jill asked.

"Probably to make it scarier." I suggested. We all nodded and started giving the handfuls of candy. More trick or treaters arrived ready to give candy.

Kayla whispered in my ear, "Why doesn't anyone take the candy?"

"If you do hockey mask Bob will curse you and all your friends." I replied. The only reason Meagan and I knew so much was because it was our favourite Halloween story of the neighbourhood since we were kids. I scoffed realizing it was stupid, " I bet it's all a lie and just some older teenagers trying to get candy! I'm not falling for it!"

Just as Meagan gave her last handful I walked up and raised my hand over the open tree full of candy, and plunged my hand in. Grabbed some of the candy and stuffed it in my bag. "See?" I said. Bats flew out of the tree. We all ducked covering our heads as the bats flew higher and away towards a hill.

The Hockey Masked ManWhere stories live. Discover now