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If I could define awkwardness in my own words, this would be it.

We all were sitting everywhere since the table is packed with food, the chairs were just about anywhere.

Elizabeth however kept a very close distance to me. So close that if I turned I would be touching her legs.

"Liz." Chris her father gave her a warning glare for her to shot back an innocent smile.

While I was too busy trying to avoid another hard gaze from her other sister Tina. All throughout lunch she didn't take her eyes off of me. Rather she was observing the situation. And something tells me if I make one wrong move or give out any hint as to my relationship with Amelia she would litterly shoot lasers out of her eyes.

"So Leo, is it." Tina began. "You are here again. Don't you have family to spend thanks giving with. Your fiancé for instant.  After all this is a time for family."

"Well..I..." for a big man like me I was actually sweating from this tiny woman.

"Tina go easy on the poor boy." Emily spoke up. "I'm sorry we have met before and last time it wasn't my best." Introducing herself and her husband I nodded. We all did. Emily is not like Tina, not even close.  How the hell are they sisters.  Including Amelia, they all are opposite from each other.  Whereas my older brother, it was told I was so much like him.

Again Tina continued her questions, "And same goes for all of you?" I could feel Peter's cold gaze at my back. And Ash's cold sweat along with Noel's shaken skin. How can anyone so small make us all tremble in our socks.

"Actually we are here to eat the good food Ms. Davis prepared." Being Noel who always thinks about food Peter had smack him upside the head.

"Shut up." He whispered silently.

"Meh, my sister is an okay cook."

"Okay." Amelia defended. "Who knew cooking all this food from scratch is hard work."

"Oh come on Lia, should have bought the one from Zippy's." Emily laughed.

"Please don't remind me but at the end it was worth it. At least the turkey came out okay. That's the main part."

"Mom is the best cook." Jake added while I silently agreed.

Finally a coversation had taken place. As for us we were busy drinking our beers. I even offered Edward and Chris.

"Aren't you kids young to be drinking?" Tina spat.

"Oh come on honey, as long as they are not drinking outside." Edward calmly said. Though he doesn't talk much he is very observant and intune with what is happening.

"We were young once too." Emily and Chris also chimed in making Tina fall back in her place. "How bout you?" Emily turned to Amelia.

"Yeah I guess I could go for a drink."

Handing her an open beer she took it from me and for a slight moment our fingers touch but was soon distrupted by a tiny voice, Elizabeth, "Leo, do you have a girl friend?"

"Elizabeth!" Chris yelled. "That is Jake's friend and..."

"It's fine Mr. Hurt. I do have a girl friend." I answered honestly making Amelia frowned. How cute. Though she may not know it, I was referring to her.

"Oh, well dad I was just asking."

"And this is why you get into trouble. You are fourteen years old." Emily refrained from yelling but I get the feeling she wanted to smack her daughter senseless.

"Mom all done." Craig, Elizabeth's younger brother threw his plate away. "Can I play with Mia now?"

"Mommy I done too." Tina took her daughters plate away.

After lunch, all the men were in the living room talking among ourselves. Even Chris and Edward came to join along with Jake while the kids were off playing and the woman were in the kitchen cleaning up, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was glowing. It was just something about her that makes me want to be near her and touch her.

"Where are you going?" Not realizing I stood up, Noel asked.

"Going to clean up."

"Look whose turned into an old man right before my eyes." Ash teased receiving laughter from each one.

Empty bottles everywhere. I even made Jake help out. He couldn't let his mom and aunts do all the work.

Emily had appeared before my eyes trapping me in a secluded corner on my way to the bathroom, "Leo." She grinned as I was trying to asses the situation.

"Mrs. Hurt?" Oh god, I hope she didn't fall for my charms too. I mean she is married and her husband is just around the corner.

"No I'm not here to seduce you." She answered my thoughts making me let out a breath.

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm just going to blurt it out. Are you and my sister an item?"

"Which sister?" I chuckled a mused that she could read the situation.

"Which Sister?" She gasped. "You know damn well. Which sister he says." She mocked.

"Mrs. Hurt, why do you asked?"

"Oh come on. I was your age too and I can read the signs." This sister may seem care free but it was hard to tell if she will be on my side or if she is more like her other sister Tina. After all I haven't forgotten the damage she did on her own sister but all is forgiven I suppose, "And I'm nothing like Tina." It was kind of scary how she knew what I was thinking.

"And if I said yes."

Her smile was evident, her joy was over flowing, "Oh my god. Finally."

"What? You are not mad considering..."

"You are barely in your twenties? No. Just don't hurt my sister because I can promise you I will seek my husband to kill you."

"Of course not Mrs. Hurt. I would never do anything to hurt her."

"Now one more question, do you love her?" Well that was quick. I'm just getting to know her but do I love her. Sure I have spoke about a future with her but...and I may have said those words once when...but that was in the heat of the moment.

"Well I like her." Emily's smile dropped.

"That's not good enough. If you cannot commit to loving her that don't waste your time on her. We both know she is not getting any younger..."

"Mrs. Hurt she is only thirty."

"Even so. If you are like her exhusband I will castrate you."

"I'm nothing like him!"  I have never met the man an already I dislike him. Why are people comparing me to him. "Mrs. Hurt to be honest your sister makes me feel different. Whether it is a good or bad different I don't know. I do like your sister. When she is not in my sights I want to go searching for her. When she walks into a room I can't take my eyes off of her. They are always wandering towards her. When she is near I want to feel her, embrace her even if it is the smallest touches..."

Emily started gigging, "My boy if that is not love, I don't know what is." With that she left, she left me contemplating what she just figured out and I couldn't. Love, did I really love her, lover her enough to want to be with her. Of course. I can finally admit, I Leo Santi is actually falling in love with my friends mother.

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