Under the Sea

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To get to the story we must go way back to the beginning where it first started.

The ocean was rough and unforgiving that night. The water would crash back and forth, but this didn't stop the fishermen. They didn't mind even when the water would splash up onto the boat's deck.

The boat would rock back and forth as water hit up against the sides.

The men on the boat were setting traps to send down to the ocean floor. The traps were loaded with meat cut from fish.

"Send them down." One man had shouted to the others. One by one men threw the traps into the ocean.

People would risk their lives to catch these animals. there was a high demand for Lobsters specially after the population started to decrease numbers. When the numbers dropped more and more people wanted fresh cooked lobsters.

It was hard to find a good size lobster since they can take almost 5 to 7 years to grow to the right cooking size.

When the traps hit the ocean floor the scent of the fish would draw in animals looking for a easy meal.

and this is where my story begins.


The ocean at night was different from the ocean in the day. A lot of smaller animals would hide during the day and will scavenge for food at night. Including lobsters.

One of the more larger lobsters had came out of hiding from within the rocks. He took a peak around before heading on his way.

Hey look! That's me!

The sand around one of the traps was a bit disturbed from when it had hit the ocean floor.

The Lobster had caught the scent of the fish. His free meal had awaited him only a few feet away.

The fish had drawn in two other lobsters that had gotten stuck within the trap. They weren't much alarmed since they were happily snacking on the cut of fish.

A now defensive Lobsters began to throw his claws up. He was very determined to get a meal. He tried to get after the other lobsters. He began to snap at the cage that they were stuck in.

After the exhausting beating of a metal cage. He had found the entrance to the cage to get his own cut of a fish.


The sun began to come up over the water. This had meant check the traps the fishermen have set the night before.

The traps were pulled up from the water and thrown onto the deck.

Once all of the traps were back men started to cut them open. They checked all of the Lobsters to make sure they had fit the laws. They threw back Lobsters that were too small or too large.

The rest of the Lobsters were set on ice in a large metal bin with salt water filled to the top of it.

Those things can get really crowded. trust me.

Once they had all the Lobsters in the bin they put a lid on top to keep them all in.

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