Actually Alive...?

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So, before we get back into this, that one episode (aka book 3 "Alive once more..." ) when Yagura was found and everyone was super excited. But, it was all was a fake dream. That one dream. Ruined him almost. When he woke up, he...
Yagura's P.O.V
Gosh, where am I even at? I kinda remember what happened...Is everyone all right?! I don't hear anything, who won the war? I can find out if I try to-OUCH! My body hurts. How long have I've been down here? And why does my skin have cracks? I'm not bleeding any blood or no bones showing...Am I dead? But how? I don't...Wait, was I reanimated back? By who? I have no clue but I was reborn for a purpose. I must get out of here. There's a path there...That leads to the...Entrance? How come it's founded real quick? I thought I would be moving boulder to boulder. Huh, weird. Wow, what just happened. The Leaf village looks completely different. Tv's, games, computers I think, and just a little bit of confusion. It looks okay. Nothings happened yet so far. Looks very new. The Hokage faces are still on the stone wall. Wait...Kakashi was the sixth?! And...Huh?! NARUTO is the seventh?! He's the Hokage now?! What am I missing! I have to see him, and everyone one else too! I pray that Naruto isn't just dead and his face is just shown their. The gate to the Leaf has changed as well. Looks a lot better than before. I need to not be in the open, I would have to be in the ally's of the village. Where is the Hokage tower? I think if I remember, it's all just straight. Great, this is going to be easy. I hear yelling, what's going on? Huh? Why does that kid look similar to Naruto? Has the blonde hair and bright blue eyes...The girl with the black hair and black eyes... looks awfully like Sakura and maybe Sasuke as well. And that other kid, looks very strange, and has cloud white skin and sky blue hair and yellow eyes. Those yellow eyes remind me of Orochimaru. Meh whatever, you know kids look weird sometimes. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I need to see my best friend. Oh! There it is! I'm almost here, Naruto! I'm-"What are you doing here?! Who are you!" Said Sakura as she turned to the right and saw Yagura. I froze. Oh my god, it's Sakura! She's alive? I thought she would've died a long time ago because she was a very bad healer and was very useless and weak as heck. But, why not? She maybe changed over the years. Of course, I haven't changed. "I'm Yagura, you don't remember me Sakura?" I hope she remembers me. "Oh! Yagura! That's you?! Wait...You look off, are you okay?" Sakura asked him. She can't tell? Gosh, I think she's gotten dumber, like WAY dumber. "Uh, Sakura, you don't realize I'm dead right? I was just reanimated randomly." Sakura realized with a shocked expression. "Oh my gosh! You're reanimated?! I forgot that jutsu! It's crazy seeing you dead..." Yeah, at least she uses her brain at chakra control and paying attention and listening. But not dead, reanimated people like me. I mean, I don't think anyone would be in the situation like me being dead and reanimated randomly by whoever can do the reanimating jutsu. Enough talking! Naruto NOW. There's someone in my way! Dang it move! "Huh?" The woman was pushed out the way by Yagura. Here's the door, yes! The door was rushed open. "NARUTO I'M...AH! HAH!" Geez, That took so long. And here I thought this was gonna be easy, my answer; no. "Who are...YAGURA?! You're alive!? I thought you were dead! It's so glad to see you again! Where the heck have you been?" Naruto panicked as he saw Yagura enter the Hokage room forcefully. "Look, I'm alive okay! And I'm am dead, Naruto! I've been in a very Tall coffin for years! Geez, calm down!" That should get him, I know him that's why. "Oh...Okay." Naruto was relieved.

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