No More

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No matter how close the two of them were to their friends, there were just some things that they just didn't speak about. It wasn't because they didn't trust them, because Natsu and Gray would trust their guild with their lives with no hesitation, but rather their tendency to gossip.

Natsu was nice to all of the girls in the guild, so naturally, there were rumors about him with at least half of them. They were all wrong of course, he was without a doubt, only involved in sibling-like relationships with all but one of them. He wasn't dating nor interested in the exception to the rule either. He greatly disliked her because of what she did to Gray, and what she caused the guild to think of them.

The entire guild was convinced Gray was dating Juvia, and this could absolutely not be farther from the truth of the matter. She was a stalker, and that was that. Unfortunately the guild saw Gray's rejections as him "playing hard to get," but Natsu knew better. He was the way Gray flinched when she was near, and he was aware of some of the things she'd done.

He was also keenly aware of how not one of their friends ever turned the one true possibility into a rumor.

The two of them had been dating since they were children, and now they were convinced that no one would believe them if they said anything.

Luckily for them, they won't have to.


Natsu was comfortable. His head was on Gray's chest as he intently listened to his heartbeat. They were at his house this time, eager to get away from the guild after a mission and desperate to do nothing but be in the other's company.

"She followed us again," Gray whispered as a shudder ran through him. Their mission had been long, but trying to avoid Gray's stalker was more difficult to do in the middle of nowhere than in a city.

Natsu's nose scrunched up in annoyance. "Yeah, I noticed. She really needs to back the hell off." He pulled Gray closer and the blanket around them tighter, content with the thought of never letting go.

Gray didn't speak for a moment. "Yeah... but I can deal with-"

"No," Natsu interrupted, "I'm tired of watching you have to deal with this shit... The next time she tries something, I'm calling her out then and there.I'll even call her a creepy bitch to her face."

"Natsu, no-"

Natsu huffs, "Gray, I know you don't want to hurt her feelings, but she's destroying your mental state. I listened and stayed out of it for almost a year. I'm done. I'm tired of watching her hurt you and you doing nothing to protect yourself." He holds Gray's gaze as best he can without actually moving from his comfy spot. "I love you, okay? But I can't just do nothing anymore."

A soft sigh leaves Gray's lips, and he only says one other thing that night, "I love you too, Natsu."


The very next day, Natsu got the opportunity he'd wanted for the past year. The moment Juvia stepped into the building, she made her way to their table and Gray. Natsu was already between them, keeping his plan subtle at first by pretending he didn't notice her approach. He leaned against the booth and tucked his legs up into the hoodie he'd borrowed from Gray, making sure to block the entire seat, which kept Gray against two walls and Juvia on the other side.

No matter how subtle he was though, Gray still noticed. He shifted himself closer to Natsu in preparation for what was coming.

"Gray-samaaaa!" Juvia could be heard all across the guild, and most of the members turned to watch. She stopped just beside their table, eyes locked on Natsu, "Can Natsu-san move so that Juvia can sit with her beloved?"

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