Chapter 8-Before

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"You can't trust him. He's lying to you like he lied to my family."

Sophie glanced at Fitz, surprised at the resentment in his voice.

The two sat under Calla's tree, hands intertwined. Sophie had just returned from her meeting with Alvar, and Fitz demanded to know everything.

So Sophie told him everything—well, almost. She may have left the "someone wants to kill you" part out.

"Alvar seemed pretty confident in his story," Sophie explained. "What if he was telling the truth?"

"That the Black Swan has a mole?" Fitz asked, shaking his head in disgust. "Alvar will do anything it takes to divert the attention away from himself. He probably just said that as a distraction."

Sophie rolled her eyes slightly at Fitz's condescending tone.

"Soph, please listen to me." He squeezed her hand and leaned forward. "I just want you to be safe. You mean the world to me, okay?"

"Okay," Sophie responded quietly.

Fitz placed his other hand on her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "I love you, Sophie Foster. I hope you know that."

Sophie felt her stomach drop.

In the past few years her and Fitz had been dating, never once did the "L" word pop up in conversation.

She used to think she felt the same way toward Fitz, but now....

Sophie wasn't sure what she felt anymore.

So she couldn't bring herself to say it back.

Sophie forced a smile and leaned into his touch. "I know you do."

Fitz grinned, letting go of her hand to pick up a fallen Panakes blossom from the ground. He brushed a strand of Sophie's hair behind her ear and tucked the blossom in place.

"Beautiful," he whispered. Sophie's smile froze on her face.

Why were feelings so complicated?

Fitz leaned forward slightly, letting his nose brush Sophie's. Her heart thudded as Fitz's lips met her own, kissing her sweetly.

She couldn't take it any longer.

"I have to tell you something," Sophie said, breaking the kiss.

Fitz's brow furrowed. "Can it wait until after we finish kissing? Because I was enjoying that."

Sophie shook her head. "It can't wait any longer, I'm sorry. I just can't put you through it anymore."

"Put me through what?" Fitz asked, confusion evident in his voice. "What happened? Did Alvar—did he hurt you, Soph?"

"No! No," Sophie rushed to say. "I just—I need to think for a second, okay?"

She stood abruptly, the Panakes blossom falling from her hair.

"Soph, you're worrying me." Fitz got to his feet. "Is everything alright?"

Sophie felt the tears start to form in her eyes. "Nothing is alright. I want to tell you but—but I don't think I can."

"Then show me," Fitz said gently. "Let me see."

"I think that might be worse," Sophie admitted, sniffling.

Fitz placed a hand on her shoulder. "Sophie, please."

She thought for a few moments, then nodded. Fitz placed his hands on Sophie's temples.

"Please don't hate me," Sophie whispered as she opened up her memories.

She didn't wait to hear if Fitz responded.

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