Chapter 14

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Megan's P.O.V

I head my headphones in listening to trumpets... I love this song. I've never met Jason, but mom said he is really nice and so is Nicki.

Ive been hanging with Tyler and Ryan more lately.

After softball practice I went the screening room to watch dads new movie. I have softball practices on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday.

I sat there watching the movie and Tyler and Ryan came walking in.

"You watching cams new movie?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah I'll restart it if you wanna watch" I said and they nodded.

We watched the movie together. After it was over it was 9 o'clock.

"So Ryan , prom coming soon. Who are you taking?" Tyler asked Ryan . I had nothing better to do so I just sat there and listened.

(A/N your school you might only be able to go to prom is you in 12th or invited by a 12th grader, their school has 11th grade prom then 12th grade prom.)

"No, but I have an idea who I'm going to ask" Ryan said

"Well I don't know who I'm taking... Candice broke up with me so she could go with Jeremy." Tyler rolled his eyes

"Goodnight guys" I said and went to bed.


We had our first softball game Sunday. I did a lot better then I thought. A lot. We did win. After the game we all went out for ice cream. That was pretty fun.

It was Wednesday after practice .

"BYE TYLER!" Ryan yelled as he left and Tyler Yelled back.

"Oh Megan " he said before leaving.

"Yeah" I said

"I need advice, what do you think would be the perfect way to ask someone to prom" Ryan asked

"how am i supposed to know. I've never been asked to prom, i've never been asked on a date" i said to him like he was stupid

"Well your a girl , and i don't have a sister, and it would be weird to ask my mom for advice about what girls like." he said. "just tell me what you would want"

"hmm ok. if i were being asked to prom i would want the guy to be relaxed and not nervous what so ever, i would want him to somehow sneak me to a place i like or never been to and ask me there. No flowers, nothing, but him and the place that he took me to. And when he sneaks me there it can't be obvious like you tie a blind fold around my eyes. No like he could text me I need help with something and get me to come on my own. " I said "but that's for me I don't know about for her"

"Thanks" he said and left.

Well did I help or not? Who cares.

I went to bed.

--++ Next Wednesday ++--

Practice was over , I saw my phone kept going off but I didn't check it. I put my stuff in the car. Once I was seated in the passenger seat I read the texts . Mom was still taking to the coaches.

They were from Tyler,

T- have mom take you laser dome. It close to where you practice, I need your help

T- hurry please.

M- I'm coming hold your horses, and Laser Dome? really?

T- yeah whatever just come.

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