My Truth

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"Is she..." Natsu seem to panic. A mental melt down.

Lucy noticed he was sweating and shaking from the other women.
"Natsu-" Lucy was caught off guard when a knife was aimed at her.
She flinched and fell back.

Luckily, Rielle caught it it her hands.
Lily knew what she was trying to do.
The women held Carla. "If the Children leave, I'll return this neko-chan of yours."

Rielle made a sudden movement, With her hand. The women tossed Carla over to Lily and he caught her.

Rielle using her magic energy, she pushed us back from the door, telling us with her actions to leave the building.

We had no choice. It would be staring into death just by watching those two fight.

Lucy grabbed Natsu and lily followed with Carla, out the building they went. 
"Seems that you've been doing well." She snarled.

"Save the chit chat for later." Rielle, more likely to come scathed than unscathed. However, Rielle was armed with many blades all over.

"Let's finish this once and for all." Rielle darted without hesitation.

"Who was she...?" Lucy asked Natsuonce they made it outside.
"She was the woman that attacked me when I was little, that's what caused Rielles scar on her face...." Natsu said.
The guilt seem to be coming back, the clogged up throat that couldn't swallow

"She was a monster...trying to protect me. Even I denied her, when I saw it." He confessed.

"Natsu, it wasn't your fault that-"
Natsu looked up, the darkness in his eyes, they have already seem to lose him.

"She protected me and I denied her. I just can't... Get that image out of my head! That's why she wears that mask! It's all my fault because I got scared!" Natsu's voice rang and echoed.

"Natsu... Don't make it harder on yourself." Lily said. Comforting him as much as he could. "But think about the situation, we need to find Happy." He added.

Natsu began to spark, he had forgotten about Happy the moment he saw the women from years ago.
"Yeah... I'm real stupid aren't I, I even forgot about Happy." As he started to hate himself, Rielle through the doors.

Her clothes had a few scratches. She stepped out in front and looked over at Natsu. He seemed confused, as she took of her mask.

"I want to say this without hiding my expression." She said, and for the first time in so long she started to cry. "Natsu, to be honest, I wished that I had never met you."

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