Chapter Eleven

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*Jungkooks POV*

I finally got home after a long night and saw our butler Chen with a worried look, "Young Master your friends have been calling they are very worried about you and Miss Nikita" He said, everytime I heard her name I broke inside its been almost a week since I've talked to her and it was the worst week of my life "Master a letter just came for you" the maid handed me the letter, I opened it and wouldnt believe my eyes "Nikita..." I slid the letter back in the envelop and stood in spot "Is everything okay Jeon Jungkook?" I slowly nodded my head "I'm just Tired Chen Im goin to bed don't let anyone in" I said I put the letter in the trash then jumped out the window Please be okay.

*Jimins POV*

I had just gotton home from a long day of fencing I just wanted to go home and sleep 4am in the morning was not the time to be getting home from fencing, I looked at my mother and she gave me a letter "I didn't know people still got these you're always on your phone" She smiled handing it to me "Thanks Eomma (mother) I'll read it once I get upstairs, or maybe tomorrow im exhausted please dont let anyone bother me" I said walking up the stairs. I got to my room and starred at the letter no return address thats strange I thought, I opened it and there was a letter and a picture "Nikita!" I ran back down the stairs and grabbed my coat and ran out.

*Taehyungs POV*

Jin and I ran to Jimins house while the others ran to Jungkooks, We ran inside and up the stairs and banged on the bedroom door "Jimin let us in!" I yelled, his maid ran up the stairs and looked at us "Jimin just left" she said, I opened the bedroom door and saw a letter and picture "Come alone if you want to see her" I looked at the picture and Nikita was knocked out and tied to a chair I got on the phone and called the others "We found a letter in Jungkooks trash with a picture of nikita" "We found the same thing" "it has to be a trap they wont hurt her" "I wouldn't be so sure" I hung up the phone and ran to meet up with them, today was a very hectic night, none of us knew what was going to happen we just had to get there in time.


I woke up in an abandon factory only thing keeping us warm was the fire, I looked around and saw Kai and Luhan with 8 other guys "you look like you have alot to say, but before you say anything I can let you go if u agree to something" he said taking the tape off my mouth "You stay away from Jungkook, and come with me Or we let you sit here and watch both Jimin and Jungkook get beat" Kai said, I looked confused, why was he doing this what did he want from me "Your father called me, I'm the guy hes been wanting to partner you with since we were 10, I'm taking over my dads industry when im old enough, and he thinks I'm perfect for you, he wants to teach Jungkook and Jimin to stay away from you, but whats there to teach if you come with me?"

I looked at him trying to process everything "I will not date you! Im not following my parents and having them run my life B7 will come and your going to regret working for my father!" I yelled, "Guys go outside and wait for the two of them make sure they are both alone" The whole group went out and it was just us two. "Nikita, I don't want to hurt them but If I have to I will, your dad is paying me to do this, If you would have just came with me I'd have given you half, but now I'm not beating them for you, they made my brother drop out of school he was targets by them, got beaten everyday for a month he couldnt take it anymore, than he met a commoner girl and he fell in love with her, they live together and she goes to this school, and you have not been nice to her at all lately does the name 'Lucy' Mean anything to you?" I froze he knew everything.

He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me "Well I'm taking out their frusteration on your friends, and you get to chose who gets beat first doesn't that sound fun, after all it is your fault that Lucy got kicked out of school, if my brother were here he wouldn't care if your a girl, he'd beat you left right and center.

I heard voices and they were Jimin and Jungkooks "Nikita!" They both yelled Kai looked at me and smiled. "Let her go!" Jimin yelled "Now where's  the fun in that? The one you love gets to sit there and watch everything" a rainbow haired boy said. Kai kissed my collerbone and worked his way up to my jaw bone, I kept shaking my head trying to get him to stop "Hajima!" I cried out I didn't want this to happen I just wanted to go home. He was centimetres from my lips, and he stopped I felt his hot breath on my lips as he looked at me "Leave her alone or so help me god I will kill you!" Jungkook yelled.

The two guys holding Jungkook kicked him in the stomach and the other two forced Jimin on the ground, Kai grabbed my hair and pulled it "who's first Nikita" I shook my head violently "Leave them alone!" I cried, then he pulled my hair even more, i tried so hard not to scream "I'll take it just leave her and Jimin alone!" Jungkook yelled, "Jimins first than" the two men threw him to the ground and I screamed, Jungkook tried to get out of the guys grip "What the hell I said I would go first!" He yelled "But watching Jimin will cause you to suffer" Kai laughed, I watched as Jimin got kicked and punched "Oppa!" I cried, but Jimin didn't do aything or even fight back.

I looked over at Jungkook who was trying hard to get out of their grip. I kept crying while trying to untie my hands from behind the chair "HAJIMA!" I cried out again seeing that Jimin was barly able to move, he was all bloody. Next Jungkook was thrown to the ground he tried his hardest to fight back but 7 against one didnt work "Jungkook oppa!!" I cried out, I grabbed the chair after un tyring my hands and hit one of the guys with it knocking him out. They all stopped and looked at me and I looked at Jungkook bloody, within seconds. "Hajima!" I yelled.

The guy on the floor, he looked a lot like Kai "That was my brother!" He yelled pushing me against the wall I looked at him trying not to show fear, "Jungkook Jimin!" I heard the rest of B7 outside "GO!" they all walked inside calmly and saw Jimin and Jungkook "NIKITA!" "Suga!" I yelled back all the guys stared to fight and I ran over to Jimin and Jungkook pulling them to the wall and hugged them "Im so sorry, please be okay!" I said, I turned my head and saw the guys all on the ground.

I saw all the guys hurt, I looked over at the rainbow haird guy while Hoseok was trying hard to fight off 5 guys "And these guys were suppose to protect you? The only one trying is the guy over there, come with us Nikita, look at all the protection you'd get" I looked at the guys, I knew them better than these guys, they were fighters but they are still waiting for the right time. I ran over to Hoseok when I got held back I turned and saw Kai's brother, "this is for Luceil".

*Jimin's pov*

I watched as Nikita fell to the ground I couldnt move or anything I wanted to help her but I couldn't I watched as Jungkook dragged himself to her and  cradled her in his arms when he reached her He was holding her like he was holding his whole world in his arms, I knew at this moment I had to let her go, I knew it was Jungkook she had to have. I knew I would always love her, and the second Jungkook hurts her i'll be the one there for her, and i'll be the one to take her if he leaves her, but for now I knew I had to let her go.

"NIKITA!" I heard Hoseok yell and all the others opened their eyes they all looked at her and started actually fighting the guys, after 5 minutes they were all on the ground. "Nikita come on answer me" Jeon Jungkook said while panicking. "Nikita come on please!" I could hear the sadness in his voice, I knew she ment the world to him.

Picture of B7 (BTS)

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