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Aubrey's POV

When we got there we saw everyone running out of the fair and they all looked scared.

Aubrey👑-what's happening?
Alex🌒-idk,I'm going to see
Sydney💫-no Alex,if they are all running then something bad happened
Alex🌒-ok fine I won't go...

I stayed quiet then looked at what the people were running from, and that's when I saw him...

Aubrey👑- we have to go now...
Alex🌒- no lets wait to see what they are running from
Aubrey👑-no Alex I- We have to go plz

I felt my eyes getting watery then u turn to Sydney

Aubrey👑- Sydney....h-he's here

I pointed in the direction he was at and I felt tears pouring down my face

Sydney💫- Alex fr lets go now
Alex🌒- who is that, Aubrey...what's happening
Aubrey👑- Alex, can't u see he's holding a gun...an ACTUAL GUN

he then got back on the road and left home

<at home>

At this point I was crying a lot, I think he's going to come here...I had to run away from the warehouse and now he's back....

Aubrey👑- Sydney, what if he's looking for me
Sydney💫- we'll  keep u safe, remember mom had another house the she never told him about, we will all go there and stay there as long as we need just so  you can be safe
Alex🌒- wait that was your stepdad, the one Aubrey told us about?
Sydney💫-YES, go start packing our stuff and Luigi and Aubrey pack your stuff as well we're leaving we can't be here right now, I'll go tell everyone

Luigi and me went up to my room running and I got a suitcase from my closet and started packing then Luigi helped me so we could finish faster.

We finished packing our stuff then I go to Sydney's room and see her and Alex packing their stuff then she turns to look at me

Sydney💫-everything will be fine, I promise
Aubrey👑-but what if he finds us...what if he takes me from you again?!
Sydney💫-it's ok, the others are almost done packing so all of us will live in the other house
Aubrey👑- ok

I go back to my room and start crying, then Luigi walks in

Luigi🧸- Everything will be ok

He walks up to me and sits on my bed beside me and hugged me

Aubrey👑-what is he finds us?
Luigi🧸-he won't

I burry my face into his chest and cry more

Sydney💫- Aubrey come on we have to go now
Aubrey👑- ok

Luigi grabs his backpack and I grab my suit case and go downstairs then we leave to the other house.

My mom always had 2 houses, just Incase it's an emergency, we would stay there but when I found out she had died, I felt like I wanted to lock myself in my room forever, and I'm scared of my stepdad, he always threatened Sydney and me. I never got to meet my real dad, supposedly he had died when Sydney was only 4 or 5. Although I still have a feeling he's alive....


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