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Recap: Andi went on a date with Faith to a fancy restaurant called Crescendo. Tj and Cyrus went to the same restaurant. Tj and Cyrus took an Uber and possibly met Samuels dad. (Samuels dad is also named Samuel so the son will be called Sammy)

Tj told Samuel that they were dating but he wasn't worried cause he would never see him again. Samuel rambled about his job but Tj and Cyrus weren't listening.
The couples didn't notice each other until a police officer told Tj and Cyrus to go with him.
Authors note- please pay attention to weird details this chapter. They're important.

Cyrus's POV

We were sitting in the police car holding hands. We tried to ask the driver what we did but he just ignored us. When the car stopped they told us to get out and we were at Tj's house. There were gardening tools and shovels all over the ground. Must've been planting something.

"Hey kid you have no legal reason to be here so I could take you home." The police officer said to me.

"Wherever he goes I go." I responded which made Tj smile.
"So why did you guys pick us up?" Tj furrowed his eyebrows.
"We got a call from your parents that said you were missing."
"I wasn't missing. I left."

"You saw us kiss right?" Tj motioned toward me. The officer nodded hesitantly.
"Yeah..well they saw that and started freaking out."

"Oh. Sorry kid...Well I called your parents so they should be out here any-"
"Tj oh my goodness. We missed you so much."
Tj's mom, Karen, pulled him into a hug while his dad,Bill, stood in the front doorway staring directly at me. Bill was scary.

As soon as the police pulled away Karen pushed Tj off of her. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Leaving like that!!"

Then she approached me. "And you. I can't have you corrupting Tj more than you already have. You're gross. Stay away from our son."

That hurt but I felt it coming. I've gotten better at just ignoring unintelligent people. I just wanted to cuddle with Tj and fall asleep. But I figured that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

"Mom!!" Tj said but she kept going.
"Watch your tone! I already spoke with your new guidance counselor and your new Principal.

They'll be making sure you two don't just ignore me and talk at school. Oh and you have a new Principal because I got Mr. Thompson fired. You're welcome."

We can't see each other at school? How is that fair? How can they just make that happen? I don't know why a parent could feel this way. I felt my breath shaking a bit and Tj's was too.

"Fired?! Why would you do that?" He yelled and his voiced cracked. He was about to cry.
"I heard he wrongly suspended you for a stupid prank. So I took it up with the school board."

I looked at my phone and I had a missed call from Andi. I was holding my phone about to call her but I stopped when I realized that Tj's dad was still staring at me.

Tj's POV

"Mom what the fuck!?? You told our teachers that we can't even talk?! Jesus. And you got Thompson fired?! I asked him to suspended me." I wasn't upset anymore. I was angry.

Then I realized that I couldn't really explain the whole reason I got suspended.
"Why would you want to be suspended?"
"Ugh. Nevermind."

I was really sick of everything being in the way of us being together. Cyrus looked amazing tonight. And our date was perfect. Cyrus was perfect. But everything was my stupid parents.

My dad hadn't said anything yet he just kept glaring at Cyrus.

" lawn." My dad was grinding his teeth. He started to approach Cyrus and he got really close.
"Hey hey. I'll leave ok. I just wanted to make sure Tj was ok." Cyrus said while backing away from him.

My dad kept getting closer and he pushed Cyrus on the ground. "Dad stop!" I was
cry-screaming while my mom just stood there. He lifted his foot up, right above Cyrus.

Faith's POV

Andi stared at these two boys for a long time while police escorted them out of the restaurant. I was kinda confused but just figured she knew them.

She looked at me and was starting to stand up but I pulled her back down.
"Are you crazy? You can't get in the middle of police stuff. You have no clue what your friends did. You can't get involved. And you can't get me involved."

"I just wanted to see what was-"
"No don't be stupid. I can't have the police recognizing me."

"What are you talking about?" I really didn't need her judging me right now.
"Ok. I won't get involved. But I need to see if they're ok later. Let's head out."

Andi started grabbing her stuff and walked toward the front. I hurried and grabbed my stuff to go with her. My mom got us and took us to Andi's house.

My mom said she didn't care about me being over there. When we walked in some girl who looked kinda like Andi greeted us. It was probably her sister or something.

"Hey mom." Andi said causing me to make a face by accident.

"Nothing you just look really youn- nevermind."
She grabbed my hand and pulled me up to her room.

As soon as the door closed she started kissing me. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist while I held her body against mine. We were making out and it was really fun.

She put her hands on my cheeks as I put her down. We were gonna get on the bed but her phone started ringing. She heard a shriek and then the call ended.
Tj's POV

My mom was sobbing and her face was buried in the grass. Cyrus was passed out. I was on my knees and my hands were in a pool of blood. Fuck.

Bye Tyrus bbys ❤️

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