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Blaire POV

Michael and Lisa had to do an interview today people think they are dating I rolled my eyes cause I really didn't care but I'm here with Isaiah Michael knows that I'm upset about everything but Isaiah just makes it better

Michael POV

I know Blaire is upset but I was forced to do this I don't like being force to do something if I don't approve my mind was on her and Isaiah I wonder what they are doing but I hope Blaire won't hate me for agreeing to do this even though I didn't want to do it

The interview was over and they were both happy Michael got in the car and went home to Blaire he hopes and pray she doesn't hate him for it

Neverland Valley

Blaire POV

I was listening to music and I had my black dress on the one that drives Michael crazy but this is not to tease him I just decided to wear it that's when I heard the door unlock of course he's home by the way I'm making Philly cheesesteak tonight for dinner

Michael POV

I made it home and unlocked the door it was quiet I started to get curious I walked into the kitchen to see Blaire oh thank god she didn't leave me and she had the dress on that I like....oh god here we go

Michael caught a boner and went up to her

Michael: Hey I'm home(kissed her cheek)

Blaire: I know ...How did it go

Michael: it went ok

Isaiah started crying cause he was hungry

Blaire: Can you go get him and put him in his high chair

Michael: ok

He went to go get Isaiah and he was so happy to see him and brought him back downstairs

Michael saw Blaire walking to the mailback so he finished cooking the food

Michael finished cooking the food and Blaire came back in with the mail

Blaire: I forgot to add the seasoning in there

Michael: Already did it

Blaire: Thanks

Michael: your welcome

She reached into the cabinet and got some baby food for Isaiah and warmed it up in the microwave

Blaire sat down and crossed her legs ...She gave him his food

Michael turned the oven off cause the food was ready and he just stared at Blaire

Blaire knew that look so well and noticed he was horny but she didn't pay attention to it

She came to put his bowl back in the sink and Isaiah back in his crib he had falling asleep ...

Blaire walked into the libary to grab a book to see what she wants to read Michael had a lot of books that where good but she never has the chance to read them cause she's been a mommy mood lately

She heard Michael walking in and knew what he was about to do ...She was standing up focused on the book and he put his arms around her to see what she was reading

Michael: That's a good book

Blaire: I know I'm just looking

She felt Michael lift up cause he was poking out and she felt him in her butt

Blaire dropped the book by accident and bent down to grab it...Michael grabbed her butt and lifted her dress up

Blaire next down some more and Michael rubbed it ...he saw that she was wet a little bit

She got back up and Michael pinned her to the door and kissed her

He was really tall and she was really he picked her up while she still against the door

Blaire always knew that every time she wears her black dress he gets in the mood and that's exactly what happened

She unbutton his shirt and touched his waist Michael removed her even though she against the door

They were naked in the libary and the temperature of the room changed

Blaire laid down on the floor and Michael got between her legs(yes the floor was cleaned)

They had sex and Michael couldn't help himself it was jus like the beginning when he couldn't help himself

Blaire: Ahh(Climax)

They laid there out of breathe and Blaire had falling asleep..Michael got up and put his pants back on and his shirt but he didn't want to button it back up ...He picked Blaire up and took her upstairs to the bedroom

He placed her down in bed and went to go clean up the mess they made in the libary

An hour later

Michael POV

I just warmed the food back up and fixed our plate that's when I felt Blaire behind me ahh she's awake

Blaire POV

I woke up and saw that I'm in the bedroom so I took a shower and didn't feel like putting clothes on in ...So i put on my panties and a bra guess I'll be sleeping like this tonight

Michael: Here you go

Blaire: Thanks

They sat down at the dinner table and Michael was feeding Isaiah he made a silly face that made him laugh

Blaire: well I'm heading back upstairs

Michael: ok( attention on Isaiah)

She went back upstairs to brush her teeth and got back in bed

Michael cleaned up and put Isaiah to bed after having a bath

Michael walked into the room to take a shower and brush his teeth then he got in bed but looked under the covers Blaire was naked

Michael: Why are you naked

Blaire: Didn't feel like putting clothes on

Michael: ok well goodnight

Blaire: Goodnight(half way sleep)

He kissed her cheek turned the light and had falling asleep it has been a long day


Blaire POV

I had to pee so I got up and went to go use the bathroom once I was finished I washed my hands and dried them off i came back to bed goodnight y'all

Michael pulled Blaire close to him and she went back to sleep

Next chapter is coming

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