Indeed the team members were warned that there was going to be a lot of change but not a change as big as a new person in the family.
All the members were impressed by the incredible list the girl had just given. Only Spencer remained of marble, indeed he had done exactly the same course as the girl, but with different doctorates.
Penelope interrupted their reflections by explaining the new case and by showing beautiful photographs, hannah followed the meeting with intention, she was fascinated by their methods of briefings. After that, they all went on a plane, where they left for the other end of the USA. During the flight, the team asked him a lot of questions, about his life, about these studies. She answered it heartily, even on the most private questions, like the one about.
Before landing, hotch handed the roles, JJ and Derek would go to the crime scene of the day before, Rossi and emily on the crime scene three days ago Spencer would go to the authorities and start a tracking geographical.
When the plane arrived in Arizona, the different groups headed to their work areas. Spencer spoke on the road in an unknown language, that of mathematics.
When the team members arrived at the police station, they discussed the murderer's profile and Derek introduced him to the police at the meeting.
Another murder took place two days later, this murder was decisive for the team with the help of Penelope, as well as Spencer's index, the murderer was stopped without problem.
That same evening, everyone flew back to Virginia. On arriving, Spencer went to the theater and suggested to the new member of the team to come with him, because no other member wanted to go there, they did not like the abstract pieces that the young man watched, often in another language.
Spencer was happy that someone would go with him to see one of these favorite plays. After the last scene, hannah brought Spencer to a Chinese restaurant in her neighborhood. They had a good time together, when the desert was over, hannah went home. The latter was happy to have made a friend, so quickly but it was still cold to her as if he had a carapace.
She went to bed with these words.
Spencer, too, was happy that someone on the team was finally taking him seriously. He had loved this evening, but he wanted to stay away from Rossi and Emily for now.
The computer scientist explained that the two children had been kidnapped for almost 4 hours as they were brothers. It was important to find them before 10 pm tonight, after the first 24 hours, statistics were not very encouraging for the survival of young boys.
They remained on the spot, indeed the kidnapping took place at 20 minutes from the center of the team. They discovered very quickly, that it was not the first case. Indeed, 10 days earlier, two young sisters had disappeared in Washington. The team quickly made the connection between the two cases. The profilers broke up into three groups as usual. A first group went into the children's home, to examine how the kidnapper had done, it was for Derek and David. JJ, Emily, and Hannah went to the police station that dealt with the Sisters affair, to retrieve the file and to know the feelings of the investigators. While Penelope and Reid were looking for other possibly identical files. After 3 hours the team was back in full at the BAU to profile the killer, kidnapper.
"This individual must be between the ages of 20 and 30, because there is great physical strength to kidnap two children without waking the parents who are nearby. In addition, he must have had a dark childhood, with perhaps physical abuse, one of these siblings had to be kidnapped or / and killed during his childhood, he has not managed to forget since. This is his fourth kidnapping in three months, all over the country, which shows us that it is carried, so we must also look for vans or large cars, which can contain the two children without being noticed. In addition, there have been only ten days between the last two kidnappings, this individual has confidence in him. We must find him quickly. Thank you for listening to me "
Hannah added:
"Moreover this man must be considered dangerous. This is our priority business and we have to prepare to go all over the country. "
The profilers went to seek help from the inhabitants of the small town of the missing brothers. They fought, allowing the FBI agents to observe the people and their behavior. Indeed, in many cases like this and with the kidnapper's past, there was a lot of luck that the kidnapper did the research to feel less guilty. During the match, Spencer and hannah watched the participants' vehicles. They saw four vans, and two big SUVs. But looking at the owners, they could find four suspects.
These individuals were searched in the FBI database by Penelope. But none corresponded to the profile. They did not exclude them, but the profilers continued the search.
Around 4 pm, the parents of the two young boys arrived. David spoke to them and found the father of the young people very agitated, moreover, the latter had not participated in the fight given for these sons. It did not seem strange to the team a few hours earlier. But because of her agitation, Emily preferred to research this man. She found nothing, but she did not give way. Emily and JJ went to the man's house and took the computer. Penelope found some compromising files for the father. Indeed, in the accounting file of the family computer, she found videos of child pornography, and a video where we saw the father beat one of these sons.
On this new element, JJ arrested the father and questioned him, he confessed to the murder of one of these sons. In fact, once more, he beat one of these children, but the child grew up, and fell on a corner, he died on the spot. The father, not knowing what to do, began to hide the body in a suitcase, taking it, he came across an article about the kidnapping of the two sisters, whose suspect was still on the run. He decided to charge the kidnapper with the murder of his son. By kidnapping his second son and locking him in a hut in the woods. Knowing that, Julia, Derek and Spencer went to get the child, he was a bit dehydrated, but he was fine. He found his mother crying.
Following this discovery, the father was locked up in a prison in Virginia, before his judgment. This investigation was over, but the six missing children remained. hotch sent her colleagues to sleep for a few hours before the plane leave back to Quantico.

Emily prentiss x David rossi
Romancewhen Emily fall in love with David and spends the night with him and have sex , what if Emily was pregnant with David child will she keep it from him or will she tell him find out in this book