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                         Day dreaming of a better tomorrow...Is no longer good enough for me! I want too enjoy life on my own terms...

However , Society tells me homosexuality is not a form of being human...That it's an abomination!

Everyday a teen is disowned by the ones who gave them life...Suicide attempts and senseless murders by cowards!...Families that would rather save face than too give an innocent child a safe place...Away from a cruel world they're  supposed to be protected from!...

Constantly being told you have limits on freedom of expression...Being told your less of God's child because you are connected to someone of the same sex!

Even though I strongly disagree with these kind of discriminating ...We are sadly living in a world and not living our own terms...We're just living  in a man made image!

Anything outside of that box punches holes in the design and they can't have that ...And find another way too apply pressure...We have come very far yet there is so much more too be done!

These up and coming generations need to be schooled about the mental , spiritual , and emotional baggage that comes with being " Different"...Sex and the pier is all fun until life hits...

Sexual preference is not just about Sex...A major factor that people seem to forget! 

Transmen and Transwomen and those who openly love them are targeted...Like their freaks from some unknown planet!...The bullshit must stop and it must stop now!


My gift is my curse...You see God blessed with a good heart. The only side effect is looking for love from people...Who I believed like myself couldn't love due to not being taught how too love...Looking to be excepted by those who were not excepted themselves

Being judged by motherfuckers!...Ashamed of who and what they are! Unlike my rebellious soul who now gives the world her ass too kiss!

I could never imagine suffocating the real me...Ever again!

Feelings of not belonging to anything or anyone...Being so overwhelmed with never amounting too anything haunting me...

I've mentally and emotionally abused myself into submission...No one too blame but myself really...

Tears , hurt , fear and pain...Turned into those of frustration and tiredness...The caged little girl that's spent so long hiding!...Is taking major baby steps to conquer her fears


Depression , Anxiety , Ptsd , Borderline Personality Disorder , Bipolar...These are the things I'm made of

It's not sweet like candy or a walk on the sand gazing at a moon lit ocean...It's painfully confusing and very real

Not knowing how to feel...Reliving traumas like it's happening all over again! Impulsive ways and manic episodes...Leading to your heart racing rapidly and palms getting sweaty

Feelings of suffocating like your air supply is being depleted...The nerve of these brainwashed idiots ! Thinking it's about a check...I love working to make my own way

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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