The Mission. Book 1

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Once, when I was over at Drite's house, the most weirdest thing happened I found a...?

Back flash: "hey mom!!!" I yelled as I was going out the door to catch the bus for the first day of school. "What was my new teacher's name again?"

"Mrs. Morr!"... When I got on the bus there were a bunch of kids that I didn't know, except for Drite. Drite was a kid with dark brown hair that was about two inches long and he had a tan skin color. "Hey Drite!" I said. "Can I come over to your house after school today?" "Sure" Drite replied.

When I got to Drite's house, we played some board games then went outside. We stared playing hide and seek, and when I was trying to find Drite I found something very odd. There was this huge lid thingy and then a giant hole under it. I heard about the hole on the news and I couldn't believe it was in Drite's yard all along! They said that way down in the bottom of it there was a mysterious glowing orb that held mysterious powers, but no one was sure if the powers were good or evil , I wanted to find out my self, but I decided to not touch it to be safe...

The mission:chapter 2

The news was on again tonight and you could not believe what they said, they said that scientists have studied the orb and found out that the powers were unstable and said that whoever touches it will go crazy with the powers and do crazy things, now what I couldn't believe was that they SHOWED a picture of the orb in the scientist's lab... I went to Drite's house to see if they did find it, I went in Drite's back yard, and it was still there!

I got on the computer and searched up mysterious glowing orb and I found out that there was actually 2 orbs, one unstable with crazy powers and one with good powers. I guess the one that the scientist's had was the crazy one, I continued reading about the orbs, but throughout the story I found something that was not good, it said that whoever touched the orb would get the powers, it wouldn't even matter if they had gloves on. So right at that second I found out that whatever scientist touched it must have gotten the powers. Now that got me really worried because in a few days the scientist would go crazy for the powers...

This morning when I got up, something didn't feel right, I looked out the window and saw a guy flying and throwing some kind of laser ball thingy! At first I thought it was a dream, but then I found out it was the scientist that touched the orb, he WAS crazy, but he seemed half evil, and then all of a sudden a huge glowing orb came and hit our house, BOOOM!!! The house came falling down in minutes, luckily no one was hurt, I knew their was only one thing I could do...

Touch the other orb...

The mission:chapter 3

I quickly ran to Drite's house with a fishing pole, when I got to Drite's yard I opened the lid and a huge green light burst out, I threw the fishing pole into the hole and brought it up to me. Then, very carefully I touched the orb, I became a little transparent but then I wasn't transparent and then I stared flying, then all of a sudden I stared shooting orbs. I aimed them at the scientist and soon he got knocked out, and then I saw both of the orbs floating it the air, then they started glowing a really bright white then CRASHED together and then they blew up sending everyone flying through the air... A few days later everyone in the scene got some kind of injury, the scientist had a broken arm, I had a large scrape on my face, and as for the house, I don't think we will be living in it any more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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