Chapter Two

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"I so needed that weekend after almost being killed," Kadence sighs, twisting her lock to her locker. I glare at her. This weekend went slow, all I did was homework and watch Netflix's. Not that I'm complaining but I could do more. "Okay, I'll stop saying that out loud. People might get the wrong idea."

"Nobody is listening to our conversation, Kadence." I say, looking at Maya Flores walk by, her long brown hair bouncing with each step. "Look, we've been going to school with Maya since third grade and she hasn't said one word to us."

I wonder what it would be like to be part of the popular crowd. They seem to fit in with our society perfectly. They are always getting tons of likes on Instagram, never having a class without friends, and always seem to have a boyfriend. That last part doesn't really bother me. I'm not up for heartbreak.

Kadence looks away from Maya and to the mirror in her locker. She touches up her makeup, then closes her locker. "I know we aren't like Mr. Popular over there," She gestures towards my brother and a group of football jocks. "But we have each other, that should be enough to survive high school."
I smile at her, holding my hand up for a high-five. Her face changes from a smile to horror. I furrow my eyebrows and look in the direction she is but it was too late. I was already being pressed between a body and a locker.

I was so confused I forgot my instincts. But when I finally realize what is happening, I push the body and it moves. Everyone in the hallway is looking at us and my face heats up. I look at my culprit. Cameron Bailey.

My jaw drops. Kadence closes it, but it drops again. This is fucking crazy. I've never once socialized with Cameron and one random morning he decides to push me up against a locker?

The bell rang for class to start and body's start moving around the three of us. Cameron is holding a football with a smirk on his face and a hand out. I look at it then at his face.

"Hello? Aria?" Kadence waves a hand in front of my face. I shake my head, feeling my face cool down. "Shake his hand," She whispers.

I reach my hand out. I don't fawn in front of boys, especially Cameron Bailey! He takes his hand in mine and shakes it. He lets go and I let it drop to my side.

"Hey, Aria," He questions, looking a Kadence to check himself. She nods. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you would just stand there." He laughs.

I glare at him, "Isn't football an outside sport!" I'm tempted to rip the football away from him. "And of course I wouldn't move! I was looking the other fucking way!" I shout.

He looks startled and starts to back away, "Um, yeah you're right. I have to go." He doesn't even wait for a response before going the other direction.

I clutch my hands at my sides, burning with embarrassment. "That was the worst moment of my life!" I groan, sliding down the locker I was previously pressed against.

Kadence's chuckles, sitting next to me. "I think you scared him shitless, Ari."

"Maybe he won't play football in the hallway again." I mutter, hitting my head repeatedly against the locker. Kadence puts her hand between my head and the locker.

"It'll be fine," She reassures me. I look at her with a bored expression. "Hopefully." She gives me a weak smile.

"A for effort," I comment, getting up from my spot on the floor. "Let's go torture ourselves with physics." I pout, helping Kadence stand up. She proudly nods, swinging an arm around me. "It's not fair, this stuff doesn't happen to you."

"I'm pretty sure everyone wishes they got pressed up against a locker and Cameron Bailey's body." Kadence says, a smile on her face. "I saw multiple girls, blush, they probably will become a social outcast and get very clumsy."

"Ha-ha funny," I sarcastic sigh, Kadence actually laughs.

* * *

I am sitting in lunch reading my new book of the week, when a lunch tray slams against my table. Kadence has lunch next period and I eat outside alone because of that. I awkwardly peek over my book and see Cameron Bailey opening a bag of mini carrots.

I furrow my eyebrows, closing my book. He looks up at me and smiles. I'm not going to lie, he has genes. He could get away with murder with that smile. "Uh, what are you doing?"

He looks around awkwardly, then motions towards his food. "Eating lunch," He looks at my book. "Unlike you. Who reads instead of eats?" He questions.

I stare at him. He's joking right? When he starts digging into his food like a pig, I scoff. That's a turn-off. I opened my book again and start from where I left off. That was until a carrot hits my forehead and lands in my lap.

"Did you just throw a carrot at me?" I rhetorically ask, holding it up.

Cameron scoffs, "Your holding the evidence, aren't you?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Why are you sitting here, Cameron?"

"Oh she knows my name!" He lays a hand over his chest. I keep my eyebrow raises with confusion. His shoulders fall, "Okay, I feel bad about the whole locker situation. Though," He picks up another carrot and points it at me. "Most girls like to be in that position."

I throw my carrot at him this time, It bounces off the top of his head. He looked surprised, and look where it landed. "That's gross," I say, rolling my eyes, "Do you talk to everyone about sex?"

He wiggles his eyebrows, "Only cute ones."

"Double gross!" I cringe. "The instinct to cover my ears is going really strong right now."

"Okay, okay, I will chill!" He holds his hands up. I raise an eyebrow again. "But I want to know one thing," He holds up a finger. I slowly nod, not sure if I will actually tell him, considering his question. "What book are you reading?"

He laughs, taking it in his hands. I feel my face heat up and I instantly reach out to get it. He then proceeds to read the cover, "The Summer I Turned Pretty, By Jenny Hann? What is this?"

"Can you not? That's my book!" I argue.

This time he raises an eyebrow, "You want this book back?" He holds it up like a stinky sock from Caleb's room. I roll my eyes but nod my head. "How about I give you something better to read? Hm?"

He reaches down for his school bag.

"Oh he reads," I laugh, taking my book and putting it away. Cameron slides a James Patterson novel. My jaw dropped for the second time today. "These books are pretty lengthy," He nods his head. "And to my knowledge Cameron Bailey doesn't read."

He glares at me, "Then your Knowledge is wrong. Sorry to prove you wrong Aria, but I read. Just not if it's assigned to me, reading by choice is more fun."

"I'm confused," I admit. "First Cameron Bailey, runs me into a locker. Second he sits with me at lunch. Third, he reads." He nods along. "Something seems fishy."

"It's probably my football jersey," He pulls it out and not to my surprise, it smells awful.

"Oh, gross!"

He laughs as the bell rings. "Well this was great, see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I choke on air. He was gone before I could do anything. New people start coming outside and I take that as my cue to leave. I meet Kadence at her locker, and this time I stand on the other side of her. "You won't believe what happened!"

She nods along as I explain everything. Her expression goes from an eye roll, laughter, and amused. "You were so mean! But you are so lucky!"

"I am not, it was actual torture! He eats like a cow, and talks about sex while you eat. It's gross!" I don't understand how people could fawn over a cow.

"Otherwise known as your walk into popularity," She mumbled, closing her locker. I glared at her and the bell rang for class to start. "Fine, don't listen to me. But I'm late to lunch, they are serving fish tacos. I can die happily now." She smiles walking away.

Kadence and her fish tacos. 

I haven't edited this chapter all the way through, sorry for any mistakes! XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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