What Excatly Am I Dad!!! (Makas PoV)

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After school in Steins Class, I was just paking up my things in my bag when Spirit, my very annoying perverted father, came running up to me and took me to the library.

"What do you want?!" I grunted through my teeth annoyed.

"There is something inportant I need to ask you to make sure is true..."

I sigh, "Fine...what is it?"

"You like Kid right?"

"HOW in the WORLD is that important?..." i look down blushing, "and maybe i do.."

"Because you might be the key to helping Kid with something."

I nod, "Okay but is that it?"

Spirit shakes his head, "Not even."

"Then what is it?"

"....Your actually meant to be a weapon but that side didnt wake up until you fought Asura....unconciously of course...."

I felt tears in my eyes and I run out of the library just too upset to care about the rest. I jump roofs and apartments until i reach mine and see the window is open like always. I jump through the window and land ontop of Kid on accident. "What are you doing here Kid? I thoght you were with Patty and Lizzy?" I say as i get up.

"No they had a change of plans and so I deicided to see you instead because well....." Kid stops as he sees my tears (more like dried up tears) and holds my face in his hands with a worried look, "What happened! What did they do to you? Who did this this to you?"

I smile and think about what my father said to me earlier in the library as I accidently mutter, "I love you Kid....."

Next moment before i could do anything Kid's lips crashes against mine and then releases and mutters, "I love you too Maka," as he leans his forehead against mine as i cry new set of tears,

Happy tears.

A/N: heeey sorrry i didnt relize the story cut off half way which is weird my phone must've died or something when i first updated this....anyways im so sorry you guys i was unawre anyways hope you like it better now cuz its fixed xD

Meows to all~

~Haruhi Phantomhive

(DISCOUNTINUED) The Happily (Unknown) After ever After Story (Soul Eater Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now