Chicken, Stories and Anger (Patty's POV)

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As Black Star took the dishes and Tsubaki cleaned the dishes, with her and Liz on the floor Kid and Maka sitting in the love sit with his arm around her, and soul sitting next to me with a hand on my bak trying to calm me down. I am soooo angry at them,Kid never told me about this when we saw him and I never knew they liked each other and he knew that i liked that bastad! Just what does he think hes do-

Soul interupted my thoughts, "It will be alright Patty, trust me i didnt know til now either," I mumble.

"But he knew I liked him and someone else...." I look away blushing hoping Soul doesnt see.....Hes the other guy I like....Soul Eater Evans.....I look at Soul and i see hes slightly blushing as i glare at Liz and she does is give her sisterly smile she always does. I lean into Liz's ear and whisper instensly, "Did you tell him?!?!?!?!" Liz nods in reply. I glare at her again and smile at Soul, who then smiled back.  Blackstar and Tsubaki walked in then sat down across from Kid and Maka, as Blackstar puts his arm around Tsubaki and she cuddles next to him.

Blackstar inturepts the silence like always, "So are you guys going to tell us how two came togethor or am i going to have to force it out of ya?" Tsubaki then looks at him that almost looked like she was telling him, dont you dare move. I sighed and got up. "I dont want to hear it im still pissed from today i think id rather not." I walk out and Soul follows telling everyone else after im out of sight, "I'll TRY and help calm her down but Maka can tell me later i dont want to know at the moment." His face looked kind of sad when he turned back around when i peeked around the corner and then keep walking making sure Soul didnt see me peek.

It was a ways down the hall as I kept walking when Soul grabbed my arm, spun me around and pinned me against the wall, but not to roughly, "Patty, I-I-I-I dont know how to put it," I struggled alittle,"I hate to see you mad like this, I know you liked Kid and everything but there some things you just have to let go no matter what, especially if its someone dear to you, death or heart break, or even both," his eyes started to tear and my face went straight, when inside, my heart was beating quickly, his face near mine, my heart also yearning in sadness,"it doesnt matter you have to get through it Patty, I know you have it in you!"

I couldnt help it but burst out, "I never truly loved Kid!!!" Sul looks back at me confused and relived at the same time.

"What do you mean Patty?"

"I-i-i-i-i never really liked Kid......i only said that to cover up who i really liked and to see if it would make him jealous..." I blush.....really dark red.

Soul smiles, "well lets just say, when that went around, that did make a certain weapon upset."

I smile back and giggle like my usual self, and Soul suprises me and kisses my neck. I slightly gasp as Soul lets go of my arms and i wrap them around his neck an grip his shirt. He smiles again and looks at me asking with his eyes if it was okay if he kissed me. I smile and lean forward as i softly kiss him, he was shockedat first but then i could feel him kiss me back. So this is what love feels like. As my heart beat quickens and i pull him close to me.

I like this feeling of love, I never want to leave it.

Authors Note: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!!!! hahaha love you all and hope you have a great New Years Eve!!!! and sorry for not updating in awhile stuff has been happening lately and ive been busy with band and school and family. Hope you all liked it!

Meows and love to all~


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