Unexpected End

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The last stage for the Annual Mathematics Quiz had already begun. The stage which determines the last man standing and hence the winner of the competition. Most of the students were ecstatic about it while only a few were looking blue because their favourite person had been disqualified. Yet, others looked up to Ayo as the new champion. From the look of things, it appears as though she was the only one who deserves the win. However, none of the staff share in this view. Even Mr Dammy was now hesitant about placing his trust in her because she has gone from being relaxed to scared and this worries him. Every time Ayo was asked a question, he would bite his fingers and would feel his heart almost exploding out his chest.
Ayo, likewise, was not in the best of mood. She was uneasy in her seat and felt the need to excuse herself. Nothing more than the competition coming to an abrupt end would please her. The ecstasy she felt at the start of the competition was long gone. Not even the applause from her peers could bring back the old self, as thoughts of Funmi enveloped her.
“Correct!” the quizmaster said after Emmanuel provided the answer to his question. It was now Ayo’s turn and the quizmaster had to call twice for him to gain her attention.
“Contestant two!” He called again when he noticed she was looking in his direction but mute. “Are you ready?”
“Yes sir!” Ayo, who had since lost focus, answered very quickly.
“Find the amount on 5000 when it is compounded for 2 years at the rate of 3% per annum.”
Ayo sat still while she allowed her pen to roam freely on the desk. She wasn’t solving but devising a means. She remembered Bayo teaching her something related to the question but this seems a little different. ‘Oh! I was taught simple interest’, she thought. She began solving with the knowledge of what she had.
“40 seconds gone!” the quizmaster announced.
’40 seconds already!’ Nonetheless, Ayo continued solving but much faster. She knew time was against her and solving this might take forever without the in-depth knowledge of what she was going. Yet, she continued. After what seems like a second to Ayo, she could hear the quizmaster’s voice again. ‘Oh! He began the countdown’.
“9… 8… 7…”
Ayo’s heart was pounding heavily. Although, she didn’t stop solving her mind wasn’t really in it. She was following the countdown as it pierces into her eardrum like a ding-dong bell.
“6… 5…”
‘If only I had about 20 seconds more’, she thought. She was arriving at an answer already but time wasn’t on her side anymore.
         * * * * * *
“Ayo, come on!” Bukky was lamenting. Tears had made its way to the pinnacle of her eyes.
“I told you, she…”
“Shut up!” she screamed at Bayo, whom she thought would say something annoying. She didn’t want to hear any more of his talks.
Ayo was still solving. Bukky prayed silently. Mr Dammy’s eyes were fixed on Ayo as she solved. Bayo, however, felt relaxed while Bidemi was feeling relieved.
* * * * * *
“1… Time…”
Suddenly, Ayo raised her hand, signifying she had an answer.
“What’s the answer?”
“3040!” She looked at her rough sheet, which looked disorganized than her thoughts, for confirmation. She then peered into the quizmaster’s uninviting eyes. “My answer is 3040, sir!” she repeated.  For the better of 60 seconds that she solved, she never looked up, not even once. And now that she finally did, she could feel all eyes were on her. She switched attention and looked at Mr Dammy, whose vibrant smile had gone; Bukky, who seemed petrified; then finally back to the quizmaster. She dreaded looking at Bayo in the eye but she caught a glimpse of him. He seemed relaxed and this gave her a little assurance. However, the look on the quizmaster’s face depicts something else. She just sat there, glued to her seat, and awaited her fate.
“Wrong answer!” the quizmaster revealed. “Please, stand up and excuse us, Ayomide Cole.”
Water came close to Ayo’s eyelid and she blinked them off. It was too late! Hot tears ran down both cheeks in quick succession. She felt like the whole world had crushed on her. Now that she has been disqualified, she didn’t want to leave. It wasn’t how she planned to. She felt she had carried Bukky’s hope high for nothing. Bukky, who had never doubted her. Ayo looked in her direction but instead of disappointment on her face, she saw smiles. ‘Maybe her friend wasn’t so disappointed after all’, she thought. She stood up at once and ran down the stage into Bukky’s waiting arm, as a stream of fresh tears now consumed her sullen face.
* * * * * *
After Ayo was disqualified, Bidemi became relentless. Her adrenaline shot out. She was glad that Ayo had been disqualified. She believed a known enemy is better than an unknown friend. Now, she could just focus on Emmanuel, whom she assumed to be the known enemy. They both answered their question for that round correctly, sealing Ayo’s fate as third place.
5 minutes later, the quiz competition came to an end. Bidemi came first, Emmanuel second and Ayo third position. Mrs Folarin’s prediction was right.
The V.P gave the closing speech. In her speech, she commended Ayo for her performance and praised Bidemi for her outstanding performance. She had also taken the opportunity to announce Emmanuel, representing the school in the oncoming Mathematics Olympiad along with Adura and one other JS 3 student. In her compliments, she didn’t leave out Funmi and Daniel. She was so much pleased by Funmi’s effort and emphasized her ability to do better in next year’s quiz competition. In conclusion, she urged other students to strive for accomplishment in their academic work, not only in Mathematics but in other subjects.
Afterwards, the prizes were awarded to the three finalists. Despite the disappointment, Ayo felt, she was still glad her name was added to the hall of fame and also being awarded a bronze medal, wasn’t expected but well deserved. Bidemi and Emmanuel received gold and silver medals, respectively.
At the end of the day, Ayo made two resolutions to herself. One was to be ranked among the top 10 best students in JS1 in that term’s examination report and two was to win the next Annual Mathematics Quiz and the next after that.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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