Questioning and Royalty (2)

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The brothers pulled me away suddenly and to the next room over. Suddenly the one that had me been dragging me roughly pushed me into the sofa behind me.

"Who r u ?" He asked immediately.

"Shouldn't I be asking that, u pull me away and expect me to answer without knowing u?" I asked back with a raised perfectly shaped brow.

"My name is Jason Revdoll the second oldest in the family. That over there is Jaxon my older twin brother. Then there is Neal, Nick, Nolan, Killian and lastly Liam. All in that order. Now answer me.Who. R. U." He asked- more like demanded.

I looked him dead in the eye and answered.

"Oasis's B.O.Y.F.R.E.I.N.D" I said slowly and spelling out the word boyfriend in a tentative way.

Their breath hitched and his gaze turned even harder then before. He looked about ready to punch the daylights out of me.

"Age" He demanded.

"17" I said.

"How well off is ur family?" He said

Wow that's rude I know Oasis is not a gold digger but wow.

"Loaded" That answer seemed to piss him off even more. Ha he probably thought he could chase me away if I was poor.

"How did u meet Oasis."


"What r ur intentions"

"To love and care for him for ever till we're wrinkly and old"

He grits his teeth

"Have u two had sex yet"

"Yep and he's quite the screamer and kinky as hell"

His fists clench

"How many people have u dated before"


"How many times a week do u go to the gym"

"4 times a week"

"How much time do u spend with Oasis a day"

"All 9 hours of school since we have the exact same schedule plus we usually spend time at my house afterwards"

"So that's where he goes. Anyway how tall r u"


"Do u have a criminal record"


"What r ur nicknames for each other"

"I call him Queen, Baby, Honey, Love and Vampy. He calls me King, Big Boy, Octopus and Daddy"

Killian I think growls at the last one. What is he a fucking mutt or something.

Suddenly Oasis was seating himself upon my lap.

"Ok guys stop scaring my King and go eat." He said handing me a plate of pancakes with syrup already soaking them. Just the way I like it.

"Soaking just the way I like em" I said kissing him lovely on the cheek. "U make great wife material my Queen" I said watching his brothers go insane inside my baby not noticing.

"Pls. Me a wife?! Well if I'm ur's then sure" He said shyly snaking his arms around my neck to pull me in again. This kiss was more heated the pancakes long forgotten.

"Ehem" Coughed a brother, Liam if i payed any attention to the makeshift introduction.

"God damnit what is up with everyone interrupting my make out session" Groaned Oasis.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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