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I woke up to my pet ,count fabulous flapping his wings to wake me up

"Ok ok count fabulous, thank you for waking me up."

I wrapped my blanket around my body and weakly got out of my coffin. The air was so cold as it hit my feet before I put on my slippers. I shimmied into my bathroom locking the door behind me. The whole manner e was freezing this early in the morning. I looked into the mirror only to see my pajamas and eye mask. I put on my booberry face mask and crawled back into my bed to read the ghostly gossip.

"On today's issue of The Ghostly Gossip is Frankie Stein dating two boys!" Frankie has been seen with both Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde which one will she pick will it end in triumph or heartbreak? Read the next issue to find out!"

"Oo I just love some good ghouls gossip!" I screech as I walk back into the bathroom. I take off my mask and wash my face with my new skeleton screams wash. I brush my fangs then head to my closest to pick out my outfit. I put on my new sweater from skelata with some black and pink polka dotted leggings along with my new pair of winter heeled boots. My hair is in my normal pigtails with heart earrings. I walk downstairs to get my iron pill and an apple before heading out the door.

I met Clawdeen at the end of my road " Hey ghoul!" I say walking up to her, I close the gate too my home and start walking.

"Ghoul you are not going to believe what my sister did!" She says walking next to me

"Does it have anything to do with the new sweater you just bought?" I questioned

"No! It has to do with my old sweater the one I wore last year, oo that girl, she cut half of it off!" She screamed clenching her fists.

"Oh my ghoul! She just cut one of your sweaters I can't believe her, why would she do such a thing?"

"She had the nerve to tell me 'but sis you don't wear it no more so why can't I have it?!' Oo the nerve on that ghoul sometimes!" Clawdeen started walking faster than I could keep up.

We reach school in about fifteen minutes everyone is bundled up in sweaters and scarves as the new season was coming around. Except for Abby, she was in her normal outfit laughing at everyone that passed.

"Hah in my country this is summer vour all veaklings." She says pointing at the people passing.

"Weakling or not Abby it's still cold enough too make my stitches freeze." Frankie says as she's bundled up in a winter jacket.

"Oh my ghoul Frankie I'm half dead and I'm not even that cold why are you so bundled up?" I ask

"No Stein is a fan of the cold, one year my uncles leg fell clean off because it was so cold, ever sense then we always jumble up." Frankie began rubbing her arms.

"Oh wow, me and my dad usually just travel to see Elissabat in the Vampire Court." I say chuckling. " Elissabat hates the cold after living in Hauntlywood so she always has fires on in every room. It's like a second summer" I say laughing. Everyone chuckles as we begin to head inside I stop on the fourth step as we head inside.

"What's up ghoul?" Clawdeen asks
" nothing just thought I heard something." I chuckle continuing to walk

Once I reach my locker I stop to see Jackson Jekyll, I know that Frankie likes him but he's such a cute nerd that I just can't get over him but he keeps standing me up and I'm tired of it! I slam my locker shut as I head to my classroom. My first class is monstory , it's not that I don't like it but I only have one friend in that class and she sits all the way on the other side of the class, total bummer. As I walk into the class I stare at my icofffin when I suddenly bump into something.

I look up to see Clawd wolf,

"Oh, my bad Clawd."

"Oh Draculaura it's cool, here." He slides over holding the door for me.


"Ya no problem."

I walks past him and sit down next to Scarah, setting my books down I see her jump a little at the thud.

"Oh sorry ghoul" I laugh a little

"Oh no it's fine it's my fault for having a conversation with Billy" she blushes

"Oooh you and Billy are still together oh my ghoul that's so cute." I say finally sitting down

"Ya going on three months" she whispers holding up a three on her fingers.

As I'm about to say something Mr. Mummy walks in showing it's time for class. I zone out for the whole class until the bell rings, I head to my locker put my books back and try to grab my cooking book for Home ick but I'm too short and can't reach. I jump up and try to grab it when all of a sudden I felt my back become warm. I turn around to see a Monster High fright-ball jacket, I look up to see clawd grabbing my book.

"Here ya go"

"Thanks Clawd" I blush

"O-oh I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it I just saw you struggling and I wanted to help my lil sis's friend." He says rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"O-oh I knew that don't worry about me Clawd." I say smiling

"Alright, well see ya ghoul." He says running off to Manny.
I stare at him as he runs off until my thoughts are interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.


"Oh Clawdeen, my ghoul you cant just walk up behind me."

"My bad ghoul but what was my brother doing over here?"

"O-oh just helping me get my home ick book. Wanna head that way?"

"Sure I just don't want you getting the wrong idea about my bro, I know how you get ghoul."

"What! Me like Clawd that's crazy I would never."

"Okay if you say so ghoulfriend."

"Yup no problem here, hahah."

We walk to class to see Frankie, Cleo, and Ghoulia standing around the table. Ms kindergrubber walks in and we all go grab an apron and a our hats to start class.

"Good day class, I need everyone to pull out their textbook to page 156."
We all pulled out our books and flipped to the page, I look at the picture and start to get weasy."


"Today we'll be making blood cakes!"


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