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so  i have noticed the chapters have been a little short so im gonna try to add some extra shit to make them seem longer . 


when i woke up this morning , i noticed hannah had messaged me saying 

"I'm just saying I mean I tried and it's so hard. Like I miss her but I can't see her. And Its not a good feeling"

"And when I want to see her I can't bc I'm so far away and then I was just like fuck it. I gave up."

i replied back and said

"hannah . yall have been friends for a very long time . i know it sucks not being able to see her , but that doesnt mean you should give up . just because you're far from each other and one of you moved doesnt mean yall arent bestfriends anymore or dont have that unbreakable bond that yall have always had . friendship can be easy - and it can be hard too but you just gotta keep fighting because no matter what - yall will always be bestfriends . yall will always find your way back to each other and thats true friendship . thats something that a lot of people cant find . so just hold on to that because letting it go and putting it all behind will do nothing but make both of you more miserable than you already are ."

and i meant that .

you two need to stop arguing .

all of them stupid arguments , no matter what , you always found your way back to each other .

you've been there for each other , thick and thin .

you cant just let go of that .

i understand you are both tired of fighting .

but you cant just give up . you keep trying no matter what .

work it out .

and keep me out of it before everything falls apart with all 3 of us .



for katie ღWhere stories live. Discover now