Chapter 7

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*At Hogsmeade*

Harry looks at Draco and asks "Can we...... you know hold hands" Draco waits for like 2 seconds and then says "Yes." Harry and Draco wrap their fingers together and go through Hogsmeade while the Slytherins are laughing their heads off at them. They stop at Honeydukes, The Shrieking Shack and then they stopped at The Three Broomsticks to get a butterbeer. "So you guys are really together?" Pansy asked suprised. "Yes." Harry and Draco said together. Harry and Draco both raised their hands that they were holding. Everyone there gasped and then started Oooing them. They blushed and realized they were under a mistletoe. Everyone started yelling do it, so they look each other in the face and kissed. Harry and Draco both blushed. They finally pulled apart and all the Slytherins that came was just awed. Harry and Draco both sighed. They would have to deal with this for the next few weeks before they would let it go.

*Back at their dorm*

Harry had been sitting on the couch resting his head on Dracos shoulder. He dozed off thinking about Draco and how soft his hair looked. Draco noticed that Harry fell asleep and smiled. He pulled out a quill and parchment from his pocket and started to write.

'Harry is sound asleep and he's so cute and I'm so happy to call him mine thank you Dumbledore for doing this I'm pretty sure if he could he would tell you thank you too - Draco Malfoy'

He was so happy to call Harry his. At this thought he blushed and called to Hedwig, Harry's owl and tied the note to Hedwig's leg and whispered "Take this to Dumbledore". Harry's eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was Draco smiling out the window. Harry stayed still for a minute to see if Draco would notice that Harry was awake, but he didn't so Harry laughed. Draco looked at him, confused on why he was laughing. Harry looked at Draco and pecked his lips with his own. Harry looked at the time and saw it was late at night and said, "Babe we should go to bed". For a minute Draco was confused on who he called babe and then realized that Harry was talking to him. "Yea I guess we should it's pretty late." They both walk up the spiral staircase holding hands. They both got changed for bed. "Goodnight Babe." Harry said before they got in bed. "G'night love" Draco said back. And for the first time in a few weeks Harry didn't have any nightmares that night.

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