The Snowstorm Part 1

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As Carla arrived at the edge of town, she wrapped her long, flowing, white scarf even tighter around her neck. She had goosebumps and she regretted not wearing gloves. Carla reached the most expensive supermarket in town. She always shopped here; even when she only needed milk and dog food, like she did today. She entered the supermarket and felt the warm air. She immediately smelt the freshly baked buns over on the baker's stand and it reminded her of Roy's, back in Weatherfield. She felt at home.

Why is it always me? She thought to herself. I'm always the one who has to go to the shop or to run an errand. Jason's far too lazy to get up off the sofa.

She took a very long, deep breath. She'd known Jason almost a year, and he'd always been like this, but sometimes he gave her good advice and she needed friends in this new area, so she tolerated his various bad habits.

Right, she thought to herself, the sooner I get the bits and pieces, the sooner I can get home and get that coffee I wanted. I can't believe Jason used up the last of the milk without even telling me! And he forgot to mention Tally needed more food. He'd texted while she was walking to tell her that and she'd cursed him, under her breath. She hadn't brought a bag big enough to carry dog food as well, so now, without her gloves, she'd have to walk home with freezing hands.

She strode through the shop. The regulars knew to keep out of her way. Carla wasn't someone to get on the wrong side of - she knew how to embarrass you and make you feel small, and she didn't care who heard. 

Carla carefully picked up the dog food and started to carry it in her arms and then she strode over to where the milk was. When she reached the milk, Carla quickly grabbed a bottle and then made her way to the check-outs as fast as she could as she was in a hurry to get home.

As Carla approached the check-out area, the woman on the other side of the till suddenly said, ''Goodness, look at that!''

Carla immediately turned to look at what the woman was motioning towards. No sooner than she had turned, she let out a frustrated groan and she dropped her head to look at the ground, clenching her fists as she did so.

''Great, they said the snowstorm wasn't going to hit Devon,'' said Carla sarcastically to herself, ''I guess they were wrong!'' 

''That'll be £7.58, please,'' the woman said in a happy tone, which caused Carla to groan to herself once again, but this time louder than the last. She paid for the shopping contactlessly with her credit card, without saying anything to the woman on the till. She was eager to get out of there as soon as she could. She didn't want to go out in the first place. All she wanted was to have a cup of coffee, with milk, and now to make matters worse, there was a snowstorm.

As Carla left the supermarket an icicled blast of wind whooshed past her and made her shiver slightly. She huddled down into her coat and marched on. As the snowstorm got worse, she lost track of where the edge of the pavement was. A couple of times she stepped in snowdrifts up to her ankles. She moaned to herself in an angry manner and walked on faster. Walking through snow in heels slowed her down a lot, and it began to get dark.

Suddenly, Carla could hear the noise of an engine coming towards her. As she couldn't see any lights coming towards her, she assumed it was nothing. If only she'd known what was going to hit her next.

Without warning a car drove straight into Carla. As it hit her she dropped everything she was holding and rolled over the car and fell off the back of it. The car was out of control and it was gliding around the road as the snow was so thick and heavy.

Carla was left on the road. Lying on her right side. Cold and alone. There was no-one else around. She was semi-conscious. She was in an unbearable amount of pain. Most of the pain was coming from her chest and her right leg. She didn't really know what to do. She realized she needed to call someone: Jason or an ambulance. She managed to get her phone out of her pocket, but as she pressed the call button to Jason, she lost consciousness.

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