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I showed my animation to two stray cats by a local restaurant. Normally, you would think that animals couldn't care less about my work. Nevertheless, they watched motionlessly. I noticed their tails slowly landing down in a calm tone. Their pupils widened and they sat collected. After the video ended, their pupil was in a straight line, and their hair began to stand up in fright. This is when they began fighting each other to death. And the last cat remained, committed suicide by eating glass that laid by the dustbins. 

Every day I would see these two boys in the playground playing alone. I went to them and told them to follow me somewhere cool. They were younger than me, so they actually listened to me. They followed me with such excitement and eagerness to see this cool secret thing. I made them walk to a nearby construction site. At that time, the construction stopped for some reason. So no one was there. I finally showed them my video and before the video could end, I left my tablet with them and hid somewhere far. After quite a time, I returned to pick up my tablet before the police could reach there first. 

I found them dead, one of them was even stabbed to the throat by an iron rod that was lying free there. His mouth opened up to a rod and the end of the rod came out his liver. The police later disregarded as an "accident." Just little kids playing at the construction site. 

I began studying about my "gift." Yet I didn't know why my animations, my talents could do such a thing. I found out later that my animation allows whoever watches it to use fifty percent or so of their muscles. Usually, the brain only allows the human body to use up to twenty percent, but my talents lifted the percentage up.

And so I had an incredible idea!

The night of the party, my class expected to see a horror movie. Instead, I was on the stage and playing my masterpiece. 

Before the spree started, I hid in the bathroom, slowly watching from the sidelines as they brutally murdered one another. I was giggling so madly. I was truly in peace. One by one, they fell like flies. One of them even killed his own girlfriend and one dined on his friend's intensities. 

I was happy! I never felt such joy. Doctor, you should've seen! Bonds such as love and friendship meant nothing now they watched one of my work. They all murdered each other just as simple as that. I had a gift and I cherished it so much.

Otis Dela: A Story Of A Mass Murderer Mastermind [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now