9. When Levi misses Petra

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A/n: apology chapter for rushing chapter 7. <3

The room was so empty and quiet. It felt so incomplete with Petra not in her space on the bed. He sighed as he slowly slid onto his chair. Levi was against the whole moving Petra thing but at the same time he's glad they did so anyway. He's not exactly ready to have that conversation with Erwin....not yet.

Man, he'd never thought he feel this way. Lonely. Every time he'd turn around and see that Petra's not there, he ends up getting really depressed. He missed hearing her light laughter and her humming. She may think he doesn't hear her but he does. He always found it so beautiful but he never said anything because, knowing her, she'd end up getting flustered and stop. There were a couple of times he recalled hearing her actually sing the lullaby and he thought it was so amazing. Now that he's thinking about it, why haven't Petra ever sing when he played the piano? Hmm....she's just too shy.

He heard a loud knock on the door. Who the fu- "come in!" I don't have time for this, idiot.

Erwin walked in and took in the lonely air. "It's been a while since your door's been unlocked.."


The commander nodded and walked over to Levi. "Why are you so mopey today?"

Levi pouted, "I'm not...mopey..."

"Mmhm...sure..." he responded sarcastically. Erwin contemplated for a while. There's something he's been meaning to ask Levi but he's afraid the depressed midget (a/n: sorry, not sorry. I'm a depressed midget too soooo -w-) would lash out at him. He did promise Levi one month after all. "You know, you could stay outside while I have the soldiers conduct the search. I know how much you hate when people snoop around your space."

Levi didn't say anything but nodded. His eyes lit up for a moment as he quickly turned to Erwin and asked,"and the piano room?"

"The piano room?"

"Yes, will that be free?"

"It'll be quite noisy with people running around."

Levi groaned,"right..."

"I just realized....why do we have a piano room anyway?"

"When this building was abandoned all those years ago, people ended up using it for a storage facility and when they cleared it up for us, they left the piano since it was too heavy to move at such short notice. You should know, you're the one who told us that."

Erwin smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head,"right...." he paused for a moment,"us?"

Levi played with a pen for a while. He flipped it through his fingers and stared at it intensely as to not make a mistake,"yes...us." He sighed. "I could go for some tea right about now.."

"Well, i have soldiers currently working upstairs. We could go downstairs for some tea."

Levi shook his head,"I want Petra's tea." (A/n: Owo)

Erwin paused for a moment and wore a sad expression. "But you can't..."

Shit! "Right....."

"Say,"Erwin started, as an attempt to fight against the growing tenseness and awkwardness in the air,"Any idea where Hanji is? You're back meaning she should be as well."

"No idea....actually, I think she stayed back a little longer."

"Man, alright,"Erwin looked at Levi and raised an eyebrow,"what were guys doing anyway?"

"Taking a shit, what does it look like?" He responded agitated. (A/n: I'm trying to make poop jokes like Levi -^-)

"I-I get it, nevermind." Erwin proceeded to walk out the door, defeated. Levi definitely wasn't having any of it today.

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