"W-wait what?!"

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So...I have no idea what this is. Imma just update this when I'm tired and have nothing to do- Anyway..onto the story!

Warning! This chapter contains blood, ghosts, and slight cursing. If you do not like that, you might wanna read something else.


It all started when a group of three teenage boys decided to visit a graveyard, because they where..well..bored (u stupid). It was about 12pm when the boys got to the graveyard, the only sounds that could be heard where breathing and the occasional leaf crunching and twigs snapping under the weight of there feet.

The group walked around the graveyard, just hanging out. Soon, one of the boys spoke up. "Hey, who wants to play hide and seek?" He asked, looking at his friends. The leader of the group rolled his eyes. "Dave, that's stupid. We aren't little kids." Dave looked disappointed, but the other boy jumped into the conversation. "I agree with Dave, it will be fun!" He said, smiling as well.

Dave looked a bit more happy, and looked at the leader hopefully. "C'mon Bryan, please?" Dave said. Bryan sighed and looked at the other boy. "Damnit Jake... Fine, we can play." Dave and Jake smiled and looked at each other. "Okay! Bryan you go hide first." Dave said like a little kid, pushing his friend into a random direction. "Alright alright..." Bryan said, walking away from the group of idiots.

Bryan soon heard counting, making him run behind a random grave, not bothering to look at the name. He sighed and sat there, finding all of this stupid. Bryan rested his hand on the side of his face, looking around. 'This place looks completely abandoned...' He thought to himself, getting slightly nervous. He shook his hand and sighed, looking up into the dark sky.

About 20 minutes pass, nothing. No sign of his friends near. He couldn't even hear any footsteps. This made Bryan worry slightly, so he decided to get up and look for them. He rose from behind the grave and started to walk away from it, grabbing his phone from his pocket and using the flashlight to make sure he didn't trip. After a few minutes of looking all around, he still couldn't spot his friends anywhere. Out of curiosity, Bryan tilted his head to look at some graves, wanting to find something else to focus on.

He looked at all the graves, saying all the names in his head. 'Lucy Scott...Hana Keith..Dave Smith.. wait... Dave Smith and..Jake Thomas!? Those are my friends names!' He panicked in his head. Bryan looked around franticly, not wanting to believe it.

"H-haha.. F-funny joke guys! You c-can come out now..." He said, clearly freaked out. A sudden voice sounded from behind him. "We found you..."

Bryan was freaked out. He quickly turned around, but no one was there. There was a sudden crash sound from behind him, making him turn around again. There was a sudden shard of a statue attached from a grave went flying for chest. It was as if someone threw it... He was able to move aside so it didn't hit his chest, but, it pierced his arm.

Bryan yelled in pain, but he was able to run away as quickly as possible. He had to get to a hospital before too much blood escaped from the wound. When he was just at the exit, a giggle sounded from behind him. He looked over his shoulder, freezing at what he saw. There was a little girl, holding another shard. Her hands and neck and dress where covered in blood. Bryan freaked out again and ran as fast as he could out of there.

He didn't turn back, not once. He escaped just in time, making it to the car they drove in. Right as he got in, a voice sounded from the back seat. "You can't escape us, Bryan." Bryan looked in his rear view mirror, freezing at what he saw.

He saw his two friends, all bloody and with pitch black eyes, blood running down from them. There skin was pure white, and there clothes where torn.

No one knows what happened to Bryan that night. But everyone knows one thing.

That Bryan Jagers... Was never seen again...

oH MY GOD I'M SO TIRED- but I'm probably not going to go to bed until like 5am because my life is terrible- it's 2am why am I up-

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