Ch. 9

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It's been about 4 months since Lyric joined the team. She fits in perfectly. Its been difficult keeping our relationship a secret, but that's fine by me. We were preparing for another case when Garcia came in the room.

Garcia: I need to talk to Hotch and Rossi.

I looked at Lyric and Morgan, then left. Lyric walked toward Garcia's office, looking back at me. I glanced around, finally rushing after her. I turned the corner, losing her. I glanced around, trying to find where She went. Suddenly, I was pulled toward the vending machines. Lyric, with her beautiful eyes and perfect smile, giggled at my surprise.

Me: You know that surprises me every time.

Lyric: But its cute.

Me: You know, studies show that a person can be surprised-

Lyric: just shut up and kiss me.

Me: yes ma'am.

I pressed my lips onto hers, feeling her press onto me.


*Derek POV*

I was heading to the vending machines for Garcia to get her some chocolate, seeing Reid be pulled behind one of him.

Reid: You know that surprises me every time.

Lyric: But its cute.

That is Lyric. What are they doing?

Reid: You know, studies show that a person can be surprised-

Lyric: just shut up and kiss me.

Reid: yes ma'am.

I thought I was hearing things, so I looked. I was shocked to find Reid holding Lyric against him, kissing her. She tangled her fingers in his hair, letting Reid slid his hands up her shirt.

Me: W-what the hell are you two doing?!

Reid jumped back, both of them staring at me. I crossed my arms, clearly wanting to know when and how this happened. They looked at each other, suddenly angry.

Lyric/Reid: You were suppose to calculate this. No I wasn't! Yes it..... Ugh!

Now that was strange, but I was too pissed to care.

Lyric: well, I just calculated this and Morgan doesn't get his snack at this time.

Reid: Yeah, we should of had at least half an hour til then. That means....

Lyric: Garcia's chocolate craving. Of course, I forgot that part.

Me: Hello, I'm right here. You two have explaining to do, right now.

Reid: W-well, uh.... You see...... I kissed Lyric..... And-

Lyric: We've been secretly dating for 4 months now. We haven't told anyone because we're not allowed to be on the same team and be together. We didn't want to leave the team or lose each other, so we kept it a secret.

Reid looked shocked, but knew that I wouldn't leave until I knew the full story.

Me: you started working in our team for the last 4 months. So-

Lyric: We've been together since I joined the team. Please don't tell my dad. You can tell anyone you want, but not my dad. He'd freak out and yell at me and make me leave Spence and-

Me: I'm not telling anyone, yet. I want to see how this plays out.

Lyric squealed in excitement, hugging me tight. I can tell why Garcia loves her. Reid smiled, pulling Lyrics off, kissing her shoulder.

Lyric: Oh, thank you thank you thank you. You have no idea what this means to me! AHH, I'm so happy right now!

I rolled my eyes, getting Garcia's chocolate. Lyric danced in a circle, holding Reid's hand. He just watched, smile on his face. But it was not like any smile I've seen before. I couldn't help but smile, walking away.

Rossi: Hey Morgan. Can I talk to you?

I looked to see Rossi walking my way. I quickly walked up to him, keeping Reid and Lyric out of sight.

Me: yeah?

Rossi: Is it just me, or does Lyric look more lively?

Me: Sir?

Rossi: Lyric was in a horrible relationship with a boy who showed signs of a psychopath 7 years ago. He was controlling, always thinking that someone was following him, and showed no remorse for the dying or the died. After he was put in jail, and Lyric's best friend dying, the boy threatened to get revenge on Lyric. I made sure he was put away for a long time, but she was never the same.

Me: oh god.

Rossi: But ever since she joined the team, she's back to her old self. Happy, bubbly, and confident. What's up with that?

I just looked around the corner to see Lyric walking. She looked at me, then Rossi.

Lyric: hi daddy! Do we have a new case?

Rossi: Uh..... Y-yeah. Hotch needed me to tell everyone to be on the jet in 5 minutes.

Lyric: I'll get my bag. Oh, there's JJ, See you guys on the jet.

We watched as Lyric walked away. Rossi just looked confused. I was scared.

Me: Hey Rossi, when does this ex-boyfriend get out of jail?

Rossi: In a few weeks. I'm worried she's gonna become upset all over again. And his threat-

Me: He's not gonna lay a hand on her, you know this.

Rossi: I know. But I'm afraid that Lyric will run back to him, for revenge.

Me: Revenge?

Rossi: Lyric's friend that died, she was killed, by the ex.

I looked over at Lyric, bright and happy. How did she meet a boy like that? I sighed, feeling like a heavy weight was on my shoulders.

Rossi: well whatever is making my daughter smile like that, I don't want her to lose it.

Me: Me neither.

We looked at each other, then we headed to the jet. I grabbed my bag and walked toward the door.

Reid: Hey Morgan.

I turned around to see Lyric and Reid.

Reid: One of the cars is in use, leaving only three cars-

Me: Reid, I'll drive you two.

Lyric and Reid smiled, then rushed ahead. What did I just get myself into?

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