Chapter 5

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Seokjin and everyone else in the table were appalled hearing Jimin's devious plan. Seokjin opened his mouth to refuse but even before a sound came out, Jimin had already spoken.

"Just think about it, try getting on her soft side. Then prove her wrong. Show her who Kim Seokjin is"

Jimin stared at Seokjin with determined eyes. Yoongi then spoke, "Jin is a heartthrob, not a playboy" causing everyone to agree. "Plus," Namjoon added, "It'll cause a riot with all the other girls that want to date Jin-hyung. It'd only hurt Y/N"

"But she'd be Jin-Hyung's girl. No one would dare touch her because they'd know that'd only ruin their image to Jin-hyung. Besides, based on Jin-Hyung's story, Y/N is feisty and tough. She won't let anyone shut her down" Jimin argued as he moved forward and raised his brow at Namjoon showing a victorious yet intimidating expression.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and continued to eat. Jimin smirked then turned to Seokjin who was deep in thought. Maybe he could go with Jimin's idea, but Namjoon and Yoongi's arguments were both true. At the same time, since he had never experienced such feelings, he wanted to get revenge on Y/N. The first girl to ever make Seokjin feel inferior. The first girl to ever make him so vulnerable. The first girl to ever fascinate him.

"Fine," Seokjin breathed out defeated that made everyone in the table turn their attention to him.

He looked over to Jimin and said, "I'll go with your plan but none of you can interfere and please no teasing me." Jimin raised his fist in the air as his emotions took over. He couldn't care less of the stares he was receiving, he was happy.


The next day in school, Seokjin and the others walked through the hallway in search of someone. Once he saw her, he walked over to her and pushed her against the lockers, trapping her with his arms. Y/N was shocked and oblivious to what was happening but her expression showed more of an annoyed face.

Seokjin leaned close to her and whispered, "Meet me at the school garden after school. Come or else... " Seokjin moved back not giving Y/N a single glance.

He and the others walked towards their classrooms while Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung laughed silently.

All of them separated since all of them had different classes and levels. Seokjin walked over to his seat. While doing so, Seokjin could hear girls whispering about the happenings in the hallway.

"Did you see what happened in the hallway?"

"Of course I did, Seokjinie cornered Y/N to the locker"

"If BlackPink find out about this, Y/N is gone for"

Seokjin stopped in his trails as the two girls whispering turned their heads and looked at Seokjin.

"They won't touch Y/N. As long as I'm here"

And with that, Seokjin left to sit in his seat. The two girls squealed silently hearing Seokjin's words. They found it romantic.

Seokjin kept silent while looking out the window. He wondered if Y/N would come. How would he ask her?How should he approach her? Never in his whole life did he feel nervous about something. He also didn't know why he was so nervous in the first place. There was nothing he was suppose to be worried about. It wasn't like he was confessing to his crush. He was just going to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend for revengeful purposes. Nothing more and nothing less.


Seokjin sat alone in the school garden while waiting for Y/N. The wind blew, leaves rustled calmingly, the atmosphere was peaceful. For the first time in such a long time Seokjin felt at peace. Like nothing could bother him anymore.

While looking at the distance, Seokjin noticed a figure of a girl. Petite and tall, he knew exactly who it was. Seokjin collected himself and stood up, sliding his hands inside of his pockets.

Once he came face to face with the girl, he gave an amused smile whilst she only kept a blank stare.

"I wasn't expecting you to come. I guess you really can't resist me"

"Please, Kim Seokjin, don't flatter yourself, I came here because I was worried you'd cry if I didn't come"

Seokjin amusingly scoffed at her arrogance as Y/N rolled her eyes with a smirk. Y/N crossed her arms in front of her and gave Seokjin a look to speak.

"I won't beat around the bush. Cha Y/N, I want you to be my girlfriend"

Y/N was appalled and taken aback by his words. Not a single word came out of her gapped mouth as she kept staring at the male bewildered.

"I-I'm sorry?"

Seokjin chuckled lowly as he watched Y/N's range of emotions from dominant to bewildered in just a few seconds. Y/N found it annoying how Seokjin was laid back about the fact that he had just asked her to be his girlfriend.

"You heard me. Be my girlfriend"

"What makes you think I'll say yes?"

"What makes you think I'll let you say no?"

Y/N had her mouth open, unable to process anything in her mind. Seokjin moved forward and lightly pushed her chin upward.

For a minute, Y/N had the opportunity to study Seokjin's facial features. She knew who he was, his reputation, but she never paid any attention to him.
Plump lips, soft and charming eyes, moderately tan skin, hazelnut hair. No wonder he was the 'King of Campus' he earned the title naturally.

But she wouldn't let his looks charm him like he did with every other girl on campus. She wasn't like them and she will never be like them. Y/N moved away slightly, just far enough to make it more comfortable.

"Why would you want me to be your girlfriend? There are hundreds of girls on campus that--"

"Exactly. Hundreds of girls want to be my girlfriend but you. You're different from all the other girls which fascinated me the most"

Y/N thought of possible arguments to change his mind. Rumor is what Seokjin wants, Seokjin always gets. Y/N stepped forward and inched her face closer to his.

"What makes you so sure that I'm not like them?"

"Because," Seokjin pulled her body close to his by slithering his hand around her lower back. "If you were like them, you would've kissed me by now" Seokjin whispered lowly causing a pink tint to make its way on Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N gulped out of nervousness as Seokjin's eyes traveled from her eyes to her lips. Seokjin biting his lip only made it worse for her. Slowly, Seokjin brought his lips closer to hers, slowly closing his eyes as Y/N melted into his arms.

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