Chapter 2

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The eerie night was a quiet as a mouse, only the rustling trees and the howling wind gave little comfort to the wandering Yi Hai. With a filthy and minorly scratched face which was trailing with blood, he darted through the unnerving area in an astonishing speed, eyes scanning and ears perked up, in search of any abnormal activities or lurking spies. His hands were positioned carefully before him, ready for any sudden attacks. Numerous cracks shaped themselves on Yi Hais glasses, bothering his sight much of the time. Annoyed, he helplessly removed them as he jogged, throwing them to the ground. Off he sped then into the gloomy night, unaware of the pair of green eyes studying him from not far away.

The owner of the eyes stepped out from his hiding place behind a solid brick wall, dressed in the same way a 19-century man would. A purple, crisp-clean tail coat was draped on his shoulders loosely, with an old-school walking stick that was both fashionable and high-tech in the same. The clatter of his leather shoes heels echoed cleanly against the empty streets, sometimes joining sideways with the thumping walking stick. Approaching the abandoned and beeping glasses, he extended his gloved hand, picking it up with a pinch. As he examined it, a small grin tingled at the in his lips, wicked and horrible. Like a mischievous child, he laid his plan in his mind, swearing to cause trouble beyond the house that was imprisoning him, and it was bound for a recipe of disaster.

Scenes changed in a wave of mist, and soon picturize two shadows emerging under a lone street lamp. A figure was on his knees, in a drastic way: hair rumpled and blotted with blood, knocked out to unconsciousness. If there were any adjectives to relate, then it shall be heaven and hell. The one who was god at the moment was the only man standing; right hand grappling on the opponents hair, and left hand jabbing a gun at his preys skull. He hooted in glee as he recalled the dying mans struggled words; something about killing him. He couldn't stop larking, for it was quite obvious that couldnt happen now, or ever. All those taunts and questioning glares would be no more, disappearing under his gunshots. And it was now all done, ending with this naïve child.

"Take this as a gift from me, kid. As your beloved senior, let me teach you a painful lesson. To show my professionality, this bullet should give you a precise few years of coma, allowing you a rest before the real torture begins. So Pray to sleep well And never awake."



Yi Hai blinked as the bright lights splattered on his face, causing him blindness for a few seconds. Numbness was the only thing he could feel, and for a moment, he thought he was surely dead. But the quick replacement of pain proved to him that he was alive, definitely. His left leg greeted him with a throbbing and stinging surge of blood etching through-out each and every inch of his body, multiplying at his forehead. Blood vessels brought more than oxygen supply, but too needles. Weaving in and out every one of his capillaries, Yi Hai found himself biting tightly on his lips to halt himself from screaming. He discovered himself laying on a creaky bed that moaned after any slight movements, alone and staring at a fan that was turning on his 12. Looking at that gave Yi Hai nothing but dizziness, just like just like a year ago. Shivers were sent down his spinal cords, making all his nerves tingle in fright and wrath. The dream touched the place Yi Hai had kept deep inside his heart, remembering unpleasant memories.

Pondering about his past finally brought Yi Hai to wonder where he is. Straining his head, he became aware of his bundled-up leg and right hand. Sitting up difficultly, he inspected the room cautiously, having a bad feeling that he was a captive of his enemies. Reaching to the spot where he kept his weapons, he was more alarmed about his prediction. Muffled voices were heard from the other side of the door, and Yi Hai chose to react swiftly by settling himself back in bed. Shutting his eyes, he could hear the door rasping open gently, then closing back. Distinct footsteps moved towards him, along with whispers and little mouthing. Yi Hai squeezed his eyes, preparing for the worst

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